Next Rig: Suggestions Needed


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
AMD Athlon64 3500+
ASUS A8N-SLi Deluxe
XFX 6800GT 128mb (pci-express)
1Gb (2x512) DDR400 (CL2)
36Gb SATA-Raptor (System Drive)
120Gb WD Caviar (Storage Drive)

This is the spec i'm looking at for my next rig (which i'll be building as soon as I can get hold of all the parts)...

Just wondering if any of you guys have any suggestions/modifications to that spec that makes it a better bang-for-buck rig?

I'm also undecided whether to splash out on £200 watercooling for the whole thing either... don't want to screw up :S

edit: I've worked out that two 6600GTs are cheaper than one 6800GT - so would I get better performance running two 6600GTs in SLi as opposed to one 6800GT ?
lePobz said:
edit: I've worked out that two 6600GTs are cheaper than one 6800GT - so would I get better performance running two 6600GTs in SLi as opposed to one 6800GT ?

very similar to the system ive ordered.

i dont know if 2 6600s are cheapter than 1 6800, but i do know i saw a review two 6600 beating a 6800 in sli mode,
DDR-2? That motherboard doesnt support DDR-2 .... just normal DDR400 - I'm getting 2x512mb TwinX Pro (2-2-2-5)

Just one 6800GT or two 6600GTs? I need suggestions please!
1 6800GT always will perform better than 2.

Anyway, I was going for that mobo in the system I had planned, but i'm eyeing the new chaintech and asus 939 pcie mobo's. They're like 100 usd cheaper!

Yes, duall 6800gt's will seem to perform slow when running the game at low resolutions and like no AA and AF, but that's because they're cpu limited. Crank those badboys up to 1600 with nearly all AA and AF and there's nothing that can stop it. I even see benchmarks where they're using resolutions HIGHER than 1600 to test the new sli systems!
The system sounds pretty perfect, I have a Raptor for system and Barracuda for storage - its a good idea.

If I was in your place, i would buy a 6800GT. Are they able to do SLI or not? If they can, get a 6800GT, and get another when you can afford. If they are not SLI compatible, have a close look at some benchmarks to decide which to buy. If the 6600s seem cheaper yet faster, get that.
Thanks for the feedback guys

Now i'm not so sure if all off-the-shelf 6800s or 6600s are capable of SLI ... aparently there are some SLI models that are very expensive, maybe only these models can be used in SLI mode and not just any old 6800/6600 :(

I'm definately getting the SLI motherboard anyway, I think i'll just get a 6800 GT and then sell it and buy a couple of SLI-compatible pci-express boards in a year or two (whatever looks tempting and affordable at the time).

Thanks again for the help guys. Will post again with pics/benchmarks/pics-of-cut-and-bloody fingers as soon as ive built the thing. :)
all PCI express geforce cards are SLI capable... And in higher resolutions a single 6800GT is faster than a 6600GT
Well only 6 series pci-e cards are sli capable. There's also a new card coming out with two 6600 gpu's i'm pretty sure that this card is sli capable.