Nexuiz. Taking Online play back to its roots


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just wanted to give a shout out to those of you who have never heard of this game. It's a kickass all out deathmatch game, in the style of Unreal Tournament (the first one).

It's completely free and has ace graphics. The netcode can be a tad wonkey at times but otherwise this game is awesome. Most, if not all guns, are balanced and it's nearly impossible to run into a bazooka vs pistol situation.

Gameplay is extremely fast, but if you've played TS before then you'll fit right in.

The only gametypes I know of are Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Rune Deathmatch.

I've only played one Rune DM game, but it's really fun. The idea is to get these runes that contain special powers, then kill people with your new abilities. It makes the game really interesting, being able to sortof "customize" your character with the runes, and then decimate everything in your path with them. Some runes though, like the Slow and Weakness runes, can be bad to pick up, and there really isn't any way of knowing what kind a rune is without picking it up.

But I gotta say, I had a blast when I had a super spead, an armor, an added damage, and a high jump rune.

Anyway, if you haven't played this game before, check it out. It's totally free, and only a 170mb DL. Not to mention that you mac addicts can also get into the action.
its actually trying to follow the style and gameplay of quake3 if im not mistakened..i think this was posted ehre before :S . not sure . its agreat game and all that but it seriously lack graphically now im not saying this using nextgen games as a reference but if u compare the design of weaponry and environments to the original quake3 it fails miserably.
Someone posted about this a few months ago.
Seems like it has some good potential.
mindless_moder said:
its actually trying to follow the style and gameplay of quake3 if im not mistakened..i think this was posted ehre before :S . not sure . its agreat game and all that but it seriously lack graphically now im not saying this using nextgen games as a reference but if u compare the design of weaponry and environments to the original quake3 it fails miserably.

Well, i'm sad to say that i've never played Q3 :(

But i'm still having boatloads of fun with this.

And if i'm not mistaken, this runs off the DP engine, which runs off the Quake 1 engine. So if you ask me, this game looks AMAZING for Q1.
Possibly the worst dm-game I have ever played. Ever. Well, with the possible exception of DooM3.

If you want to know what kickass, innovative, and free dm looks like, try downloading soldat.

And if i'm not mistaken, this runs off the DP engine, which runs off the Quake 1 engine. So if you ask me, this game looks AMAZING for Q1.
I am personally waiting for "Quake 2: Evolved" well there next version anyway.
Full Real Time Shadows. Yes theres is Tenebrae for Q1 but that runs like shit and overall seems dead.
boglito said:
Possibly the worst dm-game I have ever played. Ever. Well, with the possible exception of DooM3.

If you want to know what kickass, innovative, and free dm looks like, try downloading soldat.

Soldat is not DeathMatch

Downloading it :)