nForce 4 anyone?

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lo there...
Anyone knows something more about nVidia's new chipset? features could be handy but most important the pricerange....I have to look if I can afford it with my vacationjob....dreamsystem would be : ASUS nForce4 w/ PCI-e
and an ASUS GeForce PCX 6 6800 GT....that mobo equiped with 512Mb or 1Gb of u think I will be 'ready' for the futur developements? I mean .... will it be out of date in like 3years (my current is 6yo :o ) or even faster? ( with the 4 GHz edge in my thoughts )

btw my budget is 1200-1700 € or +/- 1200-1700$ and its only the case ( no screen or other input/output devices around your PC
It will be about the same price as the nForce3 250 boards out there. It is up to the board makers and how many of it's features they include. Not Nvidia. ;)
100$-200$ USD. It might also depend what Socket it is for.

thx Asus...( asus mobo lover? ;) )
I hope ASUS or FOXCONN gets a dual CPU *339 socket* & PCI-e SLI compatible MOBO on the market with the nForce 4...So If my system is goin to suck I just get another GeForce 6 GT with the SLI bridge and another AMD Athlon 64 3500+ and then if its not enough a dual AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 Guess what...I am dreaming ;) ;) But imagine the fps you get :eek: