Nigerian scammers.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well... we all know about them. Everybody has received one, or know someone who has. The thing is, most of us are intelligent enough to know it's a scam, and not fall for it.

However... that's apparently not the case for others. Some otherwise 'intelligent' people too. I'm shocked.

Some have even apparently died because of it.

wikipedia said:
Physical harm or death

* Some victims have hired private investigators in Nigeria or have personally travelled to Nigeria, without ever retrieving their money. There are cases of victims being unable to cope with the losses and committing suicide. [11]
* One American was murdered in Nigeria in June 1995 after being lured by a 419 scam. [12]
* In February 2003, a scam victim from the Czech Republic shot and killed Michael Lekara Wayid, an official at the Nigerian embassy in Prague. [13] [14]
* 29-year old George Makronalli, a Greek man, was murdered in South Africa after responding to a 419 scam. [2]
* Kjetil Moe, a Norwegian businessman, was reported missing and ultimately killed after a trade with Nigerian scammers in Johannesburg, South Africa (September 1999). [1]
* Mary Winkler shot her pastor husband to death on March 22, 2006 after allegedly being taken for $17,500 in a 419 scam.[15]
* Leslie Fountain, a senior technician at Anglia Polytechnic University in England, set himself on fire after falling victim to a scam; Fountain died of his injuries.[16]

But... the good news is, Nigeria is starting to crack down on these people, but the real death to their 'business' would be for morons to stop being so trusting of others with their money, and instead invest it. If it's too good to be true... you know what? It's probably a scam. And you're most definitely an idiot for contemplating it.
If it's too good to be true... you know what? It's probably a scam. And you're most definitely an idiot for contemplating it.

Yeah I know. I personally didn't get any scams until recently. I almost fell for a lottery scam, but then I had the bright idea to do a search on Google for lottery scams and guess what I found an example that looked exactly like the mail I received LOL.
I don't look at emails from people I wasn't expecting, period. This might change if and when I get some publicity, but since I won't - no scam for me.
I don't get them very often - gmail does a good job at blocking them and you can report phishing attempts to them.

I can understand some people being taken in when the net was relatively newish - I would hope most internet users nowadays would be more internet savvy. Still, like spam, it only takes a few to respond for it to be worth doing.
I love replying to them, and just being absurd.
I love replying to them, and just being absurd.

Ah yes, me too.

One time, a person claiming to be from a orphangae group emailed me, so I pretended that I was some big buisinessman that controlled a huge corporation. I had fun talking. :cheese:
I had one recently from some French girl (their email originated from France, bu the yahoo site was saying she was the daughter of a Nigerian (or something) important guy, the usual. And she said she could send pictures to prove her identity, so I replied with "Only if they're nekkid pix".
I had one recently from some French girl (their email originated from France, bu the yahoo site was saying she was the daughter of a Nigerian (or something) important guy, the usual. And she said she could send pictures to prove her identity, so I replied with "Only if they're nekkid pix".

The first time I received one of those e-mails, when I was a sophomore in high school and new to the world of the internet and computers, I felt very tempted to follow up on that e-mail but my common sense eventually prevailed. As always, I asked the opinion of my trusted friends and they all lampooned me for even entertaining that idea .:bounce:

It's hard to believe that a heart surgeon, a lawyer, an acccountant and a college professor all fell for that scam.

Does anyone know where I can download the music video? ;)
I love replying to them, and just being absurd.

Haha, I remember a couple years back..sending emails back and forth promising to send them the money from my company..they just needed to email me pictures to make sure it was valid.

Boy that was hillarious, I wish I still had those emails.
I hate insurance companies. One tried to persuade me I had cancer, or could have, but probably dont but its still a possibility so get life insurance. I was like .. No