Nightfall Media Flood - 1 of 4


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
This is what I call a media release, more like a media flood. The team at Nightfall; a single-player mod putting you in the boots of a Rebel Soldier, John Dalton, beginning to loose part of his mind in the middle of the conflict.[br]
The development is said to be going well, old maps re-worked, new maps created, team members coming and going. But I?ll stop typing and show you a couple of quick pictures and then give you the link to their mouth watering website.[br]
?Kremator has been hard at work on Map1. Map1 is possibly our most complex map in terms of the amount of work to do. With plenty of scripted sequences, interesting little twists and some massive battles, its great to see our hard work put into one map. Here are a few more screenshots of Map1.

In the meantime, Rice has been doing a great job on Map7. Map7 is one of the mods later maps, and Rice has risen to the challenge excellently, producing some quality mapping work.

Finally for this update, we're revealing one of our new enemies for NightFall, the Suicide Scanner. The Rebel Survival Guide details the Suicide Scanner, and you can download the page for the Suicide Scanner here.

Also, do not fear, this media flood is the first of 4, so stay tuned in the next few weeks. To see Nightfall?s website, wander over to Nigredo Studios, its worth a look in itself.
The first three shots look pretty good; the others are nothing to write home about, though.
Been following nightfall for yonks now. Sounds awesome, and I can only expect great things from Kremator.
I like the first three screenshots, the lighting is really well done, it really sets a good mood. I also like how the cathedral is made, but there's no real atmosphere (apart from the fact that it's a cathedral), in my opinion.
Anyways, keep up the good work.
Very, very good media.

Just spotted a clipping issue with the fence in the third picture. Apart from that, top notch! :cat:
I think the shot with the Combine wall is the best. I like the mood and the feel, though my gripe would be a slight overuse of props that's common in most Nightfall media. I agree with Psycho on the Church map. Suicide scanner sounds interesting, I like the idea. Good stuff.

Zero g please reduce your signature.
Some surfaces are kinda flat though, but nothing major. Still looks good!
You make a typo you put "i?ll" should it not be "i'll"?? Looks nice tho gonna be sweet!:bounce:
The website is broken. It causes lots of ? errors.
It's not a typo I don't think, is broken for moderators?

Wraiyth will have the website fixored today. Also alot of custom assets are going into NF so in the context of the map 7 shots I can say grass and certain details are placeholders.
Oh my wow at the gothic church. And the one with the stairs.
It's funny, I didn't think they had those Manhattan-style external stairwells in Eastern Europe.
IMO some of the crates and boxes need to be taken out in the City screenshot. It just looks overdone. Some of the green bins and definitely the blue one.