Niko is definitely not Russian


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
For those of you who doubt his origins, Niko says it himself in the game. The first (and so far only time) he says it is if you fail and replay the first mission with Playboy X, while their talking in the car Playboy asks Niko if he's Russian and he says no straight out.

That is all. Carry on.
I read somewhere that he is Croatian but have nothing with which to back that up at the moment.
I heard him say it once near the beginning when someone called him a Russkie. I think when you're in the sex shop with Dimitri. Might have been somewhere else though.
They never reveal exactly what country he's from, just eastern europe. He refers to "the war" alot, no details.
I'm assuming that he is Serbian and the 'war' refers to the Bosnian conflict.
Yes, i myself have been ranting about the inaccuracies of this character.His voice especially.
He is either Serbian or Croatian.You can hear him talk Sebo-Croatian in-between sentences in a few of the missions and cut scenes.Still using the Russian accent though.:P
I doubt that he is Bosnian.Since "Niko" is short for Nikola.Which in majority is a Serbian name.However, his last name suggests that he might be Croatian though.Anyway, despite all of that, i am just happy to see a game based on the Balkans.