Ninja Balde mod seeks concept artist.



Ninja Blade is a mod involving Ninja and Samurai combat. We're still in the design stages at present, but we're currently looking for a concept artist before we can get any further thah we are. If anyones interested, we'll require an example of work so we can see if it meets the satndars required.
We have a (not very good!) website here but msot of the stuff we've worked done is in a password-protected area of the forum. Ignore the news section of the webpage, our PR msnager suddeny decided on that without consulting anyone else. I personally don't like the idea of a comptition, or "fan art" as he so nicely puts it.
actual, honest samauri-ninja combat? because that involves almost NO combat if its done correctly. think more along the lines of the splinter cell: pandora tomorrow multiplayer mode: very intense, but very little shooting going on (at least in the games i've played).
point taken. Possibly that wasn't the best description. Right, I guess you could say it has similarities to Splinter Cell multiplayer. Basically, the Ninja will use stealth, traditional ninja-ish weapons etc and the Samurai will have combat skills and the like. The Ninja will have mission-specific goals such as steal the target object, assasinate NPC general or whatever etc. So combat isn't really the point. Just if combat does occur, and it will, it'll be realistic. And that probably didn't describe it well at all!
I think you should play Bushido Blade 1 and 2 (playstation 1), that game has true samuari combat. Its a great source of inspiration for a mod like this.