Nintendo DS: Female orgasm simulator

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Nintendo: "Teaching females how to fake it since 2005"
Minerel said:
Nintendo: "Teaching females how to fake it since 2005"

actually...wouldn't it be the other way around? teaching them to have one? :P
I completed it first time and found it easy... I must be good ;)

where's the one for guys!? .... oh wait a minute, guys just naturally know how to jack it, nevermind
JNightshade said:
There is no one for guys. The DS has a stylus, not a joystick.

Homosexual orgasm simulator?

Masturbation is an instinct. Just sit there for 14 years, and eventually, you'll end up tapping your wang, tapping it faster, then rubbing it, and before you have any clue wtf you're doing, you just subconciously shot it off.

Women on the other hand... Ok, not being a chick, I can't say for myself, but i've asked a ton of chicks I know, and not one has ever said that they've shicked.
sinkoman said:
Homosexual orgasm simulator?

Masturbation is an instinct. Just sit there for 14 years, and eventually, you'll end up tapping your wang, tapping it faster, then rubbing it, and before you have any clue wtf you're doing, you just subconciously shot it off.

Women on the other hand... Ok, not being a chick, I can't say for myself, but i've asked a ton of chicks I know, and not one has ever said that they've shicked.
Apparently it happens very quickly, heck masterbation actually happens just after birth for a lot of people, women included:

I have to say though it does seem a little disturbing when the doctor recommends parents "video tape" what the kid is doing so it can be determined if they are in fact masterbating or suffering from this muscle disorder.
The Mullinator said:
Apparently it happens very quickly, heck masterbation actually happens just after birth for a lot of people, women included:

I have to say though it does seem a little disturbing when the doctor recommends parents "video tape" what the kid is doing so it can be determined if they are in fact masterbating or suffering from this muscle disorder.

Article said:
Viewing the episodes videotaped by parents


/me phones cyberpitz


EDIT: Erhrm....

But yeah, i've heard of that before. In boys, not girls. Girls, well, that's just a tad creepy.

Imagine your infant is sitting in her car seat, starts bouncing up and down, slaps her diaper, then wets herself and moans.

JNightshade said:
you are F*CKED UP

Pfft, tell that to cyberpitz.

Bet he's got thousands of kids hogtied in his basement.
lol, call the pedo police!

thats messed up, who videotapes their own kids having a tommy tanker.
I've been resisting it for a while now... but I finally broke down and bought a DS yesterday... because I must have portable Mario Kart! I got a few other games with it, too... but that was the deciding factor. Of course, knowing that a Final Fantasy III remake (with updated graphics including 3D), Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll, the New Super Mario Bros (a return to the 2D sidescrolling Mario games but with 3D characters/enemies), and other interesting games are coming in the near future made the choice that much easier...
Haha, the discussion has moved on to pedophilia, then Cybrman makes a post starting with "I've been resisting it for a while now...". Until I read on, I was disturbed indeed.
Yeah, that's why I delayed the real information with a generic introduction... :p