Nintendo DS WiFi oddity?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Well, at times, I'll connect to the WiFi network easily most of the time. There are just random problem spots of a few hours/1 day where it says it can't get an IP address, that I need to get within range of the access point, or check my DHCP settings. Why would it randomly NOT work?
Ok, well...I come to find out this is day 2 of the WiFi not working!....I have no idea how to fix it. :(
Try any nintendo/DS forums? There are probably a ton out there. I have never even tried my wifi functionality on mine, otherwise I might be able to help. Sorry...;(
sadface, I was hoping for a q uick answer without me having to scavange other forums...tanx anyway
There might be a firmware update perhaps?
Or make sure your battery is full, because it may not have enought o fully initialize the wifi.

I don't own a DS, jsut those might be relevant.
The DS' WiFi connector is really iffy. Even though I have a really good wireless connection, I often have to move around my house to find a spot to actually connect in. So I'd recommend just moving around...
Maybe there was a solar flare above your head. They can go for quite a while ya know. Knock out communications, they do.
Maybe there was a solar flare above your head. They can go for quite a while ya know. Knock out communications, they do.

Alas, I am blinded temporarily! What ever shall I do?

Ah, I know, an attack that is actually effective!


No that wil knock out eh yuor communicashens, lol
Hardly. That particular attack was repelled by Freiza. :P

was not. He just barely survived it. that's all.

Anyway, when trying to make a new connection in the DS, I can find the access point, just when it tries to test the connection, it fails.... \=
Me too, because my desktop is having the exact same problem, and I was wishing really hard it was a solar flare. :(
I will beat you all!!



Look what Kenny did to Butters...

Damn that was a funny episode.
Rawrf.... ooooooo....... rrraawrf..... ooooooooooooooooo.......

(this has to win some kind of award for lamest derail ever :D)
Well, the fix is, for some reason, I have to enable DHCP, then when it stopps, disable it, when it breaks again, reinable....yeah...weird.