Nintendo DS


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Im thinking of getting a DS. Since Met prime, mario DS and mario kart look great. Anyone with a DS know if there are any other good games around, or coming out soon?
Mario 64, Yoshi's Touch and Go, WarioWare Touched are already out and great games.

Sonic DS, Super Mario Bros, a new Zelda, Castlevania, Dynasty Warriors DS, Viewtiful Joe, Advanced Wars, Animal Crossing......all coming in the near future. That's all I can think of.

More games are being announced all the time.
The titles I want are listed in this thread:

Yoshi's Touch is out (mine has just been shipped) - and Kirby is released later in the month \o/ (in Japan) The DS is multi-region, so there's no reason not to import (it usualy works out cheaper, especially in the uk)

Apparently Metoes is a very good puzzle game - well worth checking out if you're a Tetris fan.
Hmm, once I get enough money, I'll get one. What about Wifi? I dont really know what that is.. do you need to pay extra, any games right now make use of it? (I know Mairo kart will, cant wait for that)
The games so far havent been all that great. Mario 64 and Warioware are the only decent ones, in my opinion. Of course, a lot of great games are coming soon, especially Rayman and Advance Wars.
I'm dissapointed that so many people forget about Project Rub (Feel the Magic in the USA)
It is the most stylish game that I have ever played.

@Warbie - When does Yoshi come out in the UK? June isn't it? I may have to import it....I have almost completed Wario, Mario and Rub....
Whats Project Rub? Sounds abit...stupid. Tell me more.
The title is the most off-putting part.

Picture Wario Ware, with more style and longer harder mini-games. Add a more mature theme, a better storyline and the one of my top 5 in-game soundracks of all time.
Thanks for the link Warbie. Project rub seems very...strange indeed.
Feel the Magic (apparently its called "Project Rub" in the UK) seems really queer. It looks like a random-ass japanese dating sim mixed with 12 or something Warioware games. If I were you, I would just get Warioware Touched. And Mario 64. The current games are fairly dissapointing in my opinion, but it will definately be worth it if you wait for games like Advance Wars, Castlevania, and Zelda.
Project Rub has over 30 minigames. And they are still keeping more occupied than the ones on Wario Ware.
As much as I love Wario, PR just keeps me hooked through all those long Biology lessons....