nintendo revolution?!


Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
hey is there any news on this system since e3 or whenever, i cant find any on google. i wanna get one so bad. i dont care what ppl say, super mario for revolution, and zelda, and multiplayer online smash bros!!! WILL PWN!!!!!!!
They will be releasing news tidbits slowly as the official unveiling in May approaches. I can't wait to see what the devs have come up with for that controller!
ة الأسئلة الشائع You said it brother.:(
XB360+PS3+HDTV = Muchos cash.

Oh well, if I get a job this summer I'll hopefully pull through.:D
Luckily only the Revolution interests me. I'll make my final decision after I hear what they say in May. The Rev is the gaming industry's last chance to keep me consuming their products. If the Rev opens up new types of gameplay, which I fully expect it will, I'll be all over it. If it doesn't, gaming will probably be officially dead to me.
Darkknighttt said:
hey is there any news on this system since e3 or whenever, i cant find any on google. i wanna get one so bad. i dont care what ppl say, super mario for revolution, and zelda, and multiplayer online smash bros!!! WILL PWN!!!!!!!

You know the Rev has infected your mind when you start giving sideways looks at TV remotes, mobile phones, and similarly-shaped electronic oblongs...

Worse still, when you find yourself swinging any of the aforementioned items around while making lightsaber noises....
Nintendo has said there is still another secret about the system that they have yet to reveal. The first secret was the controller. According to the developer of the metal gear solid series one feature yet to be announced is something that girls will find especially interesting.

The ability to play any previous Nintendo games on the Revolution is done by a system they call the "virtual console". They have designed it to act in much the same way Java programming works by compiling code into a special format and then running an interpreter to actually run the code. The advantages of this are that some new content may even be added to old games. Some people are speculating that online support may be added for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Also just yesterday it was revealed that Sega is apparently very interested in the virtual consoles capabilities which has led many to believe Sega may be interested in allowing people to run all the old Sega genesis games on the Revolution which is certainly possible to do from a technical standpoint.

Unusual patents Nintendo has been granted on methods for doing displacement mapping, and cube mapping as well as rumors from 3rd party developers are leading people to believe that Nintendo will make up for a lack of raw horsepower in the system by designing it to work extremelly efficiently with these unique methods (along with a few others) to allow designers to produce games with graphics on par with the Xbox 360, minus HD support of course. The last 5 posts in this blog have been about some of these things:
Keep in mind all of the information about these technologies have not been announced by Nintendo, rather they have been found to be things that Nintendo either holds patents on or like the most recent one is something that suppliers of Nintendo have talked about.

Nintendo has also announced they really want to see MMORPGs on the new system. Nintendo apparently has two brand new IP's to be used in launch games for the system. According to reporters who have actually used the controller in demos, it is extremelly easy to use, comfortable, and far better than regular controllers in first person shooters. Also the president of Nintendo has said that they expect the controller will become the new standard in gaming, this of course means Nintendo does in fact expect Sony and Microsoft to copy them at some point.
The Mullinator said:
The advantages of this are that some new content may even be added to old games. Some people are speculating that online support may be added for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

New stuff in old games would be fantastic. But there's no way Microsoft's intellectual property (Perfect Dark) will be seen running on Nintendo's new console....
I would guess Rare still owns the rights to GE 007 as well...

The Mullinator said:
According to the developer of the metal gear solid series one feature yet to be announced is something that girls will find especially interesting.

Tell him the rumble function's already been unveiled :P
Noobulon said:
New stuff in old games would be fantastic. But there's no way Microsoft's intellectual property (Perfect Dark) will be seen running on Nintendo's new console....
I would guess Rare still owns the rights to GE 007 as well...

Tell him the rumble function's already been unveiled :P
I am not entirely sure but Nintendo may still have the rights to releasing Perfect Dark again despite what Microsoft may now have. No one knows for sure other than Nintendo, Rare, and Microsoft.

Also yes the controllers rumble features have already been announced. :P
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Im going to be flat broke, After getting the Xbox 360 (Already have) the PS3, And now this nintendo!

Wow, you do not need all 3..damn kids. :-\
Pssh. Revolution is looking like a must, PS3 probably... but XB360? No way! That's what my PC is for!
I can't begin to say enough on why I think Nintendo is going to succeed greatly with this console.

I'll be happier than a fly on shit if this thing is 3 times better than the GameCube. Can you imagine LOZ: Twilight Princess looking three times better....come on, if that isn't good enough, I don't know what is. Imagine Resident Evil 4 three times better. Assuming the rumors are true of course. Simply put, Resident Evil 4 looks next-gen, IMO. I have no worries about the Revolutions graphical capabilities. It may not produce on par with the other two, but it will stil look terrific....there's not a doubt in my mind.

The price. OMFG....if this things comes out and is $150, that is just insane. If true, I think this lends a lot of credence to the developers saying that the Revolution is architecturally similar to the GameCube. Cost savings from the continued development of an existing technology....OMG.....who'd a thunk it. If the price is $200 even it'll still be a steal, IMO. Of course, I'm assuming the ON is false. Who knows. I've heard that the other big Nintendo secret about the Rev is that Sega is going to be providing their complete back catalogue...who knows. If the ON is real....I can't see a bundle costing less than $300-350 and Nintendo will definitly make it optional...there's just no other way if they want to keep in a certain price range.

Nothing makes more sense than this IMO....why not continue what you've started. Developers...just now squeazing everything out of the GameCube should be able to jump right in and fully utilized the Revolutions technology. They've been working on it for years and the learning curve has been climbed. This means cheaper games...easier to develop....fully utilizing veteran technology. Again...assuming rumors are true and that Hollywood and Broadway are similar to the GameCubes architecture.

And of course the controller. Price, performance, efficiency, and innovation....I'm sold. Nuff said.
I can't wait to dupe non-gamers into holding the remote.

Then I'll see how long it takes them to realise that the screen is responding to where their hand is...

"Hey... woah! WOAH!!" :eek:
/starts swinging arms about wildly

badabing, instant gamer :D
Noobulon said:
I can't wait to dupe non-gamers into holding the remote.

Then I'll see how long it takes them to realise that the screen is responding to where their hand is...

"Hey... woah! WOAH!!" :eek:
/starts swinging arms about wildly

badabing, instant gamer :D

That is going to happen. No doubt.

I can't wait for this system!!
There is a lot of interest for this console. People are watching to see how it turns out. And with that price I think it will help sales a lot. Although I think Nintendo will still have to prove themselves in the US market. If the controller is really that good then I think it will do a lot better than the Gamecube. Japan sales will be really good of course. Developers seem really interested too and being easy to code for doesn't hurt.

Even if someone was picking up a Xbox360 or PS3 first, for $150 I'm sure many people will pick up a Rev. too.

I sorta want to see exactly what games are coming out but I'm really interested.