Nintendo's Next-Gen wOOt!


Aug 20, 2003
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In a press conference in Tokyo recently, Nintendo head Satoru Iwata confirmed that the next console will be titled 'Revolution', and, like the DS handheld device, promises to innovate in the field of entertainment. The 'new ideas' hinted at are not mentioned - Iwata fearing other manufacturers may steal their plans, however he did also reveal that the Revolution console will be far more than upgraded GameCube.

pics and more info @

Judging from the size of the disk, that's seems very small...probably around just slightly bigger than the DS.

Still all talk right now.
I call fake.

Still, can't wait for the Revolution \o/
Shens said:
Judging from the size of the disk, that's seems very small...probably around just slightly bigger than the DS.

Still all talk right now.

It'll probably be slightly bigger than your average CD player.
Wow, That looks like the size of a cd player.
...I call shenanigans!
I think thats just a mock-up too, but the logo may be for real.
I heard on the news a few days ago that computer chips have been improved to where they are going to be much smaller but I thought they said they would be introduced in something like 2010...

Personally I dont care what size it is if it is a home system, Just lets you know N wants to charge $35 a piece again for memory cards instead of the hardly used hard drive X box style..

just wish they had a much bigger memory storage medium than a memory card, they are expensive and tiny storage... the only real option is a hard drive
I believe that a harddrive was expected for both revolution and PS3, although NextBox wasn't a definite.
VirusType2 said:
I heard on the news a few days ago that computer chips have been improved to where they are going to be much smaller but I thought they said they would be introduced in something like 2010...

Personally I dont care what size it is if it is a home system, Just lets you know N wants to charge $35 a piece again for memory cards instead of the hardly used hard drive X box style..

just wish they had a much bigger memory storage medium than a memory card, they are expensive and tiny storage... the only real option is a hard drive

My PC has does'nt mean they have to be inside the PC :p

It could very well have a HDD that attaches through a port on the outside (an external HDD if you like).
Heh, I saw similar designs for the Dolphin (codename for the Gamecube).
So terribly fake. I hate people like this.

Oh, check the date on the news post. Uber legit I say.

EDIT: Apparently they changed it...oh well, the date used to read January 17th, 1970. :hmph:
GameSpot debunked this as fake. Check GameSpot's Rumor Control for the info.
Not sure if i really like the round design (Even though it may be fake)
Logo loks ok though.
Looking forward to this console, it's gonna pwn!
Doesn't look terribly Nintendo to me. I'll go with my gut and call false.
PvtRyan said:
Heh, I saw similar designs for the Dolphin (codename for the Gamecube).
You sure?
Dolphin was codename for the Nintendo Ultra 64, now known as the Nintendo 64.