Nirvana piano sheet music?


Nov 23, 2003
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There was a Nirvana cd released recently that was some of there songs played on the piano. I was just wondering if any of you guys would happen to know where I could get sheet music for Nirvana songs.
just google for sheet music, there are heaps of sites- but be prepared to pay- i dont know of any legal free sites.
pffft, you can't play the piano, only I can play the piano

I can play the glockenspiel...
At least i could in music class.
Hazar said:
pffft, you can't play the piano, only I can play the piano


oh yeah.. i can see it now..

/me thinks of Hazar trying to play an NiN tune over the piano and shudders :x :P
outpost said:
There was a Nirvana cd released recently that was some of there songs played on the piano. I was just wondering if any of you guys would happen to know where I could get sheet music for Nirvana songs.

If you don't want to pay, ..acquire.. a copy of sibelius, download a MIDI of the song in question, and print it off.
jondyfun said:
If you don't want to pay, ..acquire.. a copy of sibelius, download a MIDI of the song in question, and print it off.
See I can't even find somehting like that. Anyone else have any ideas? Ok I lied I just found some midis.
outpost said:
There was a Nirvana cd released recently that was some of there songs played on the piano. I was just wondering if any of you guys would happen to know where I could get sheet music for Nirvana songs.

what songs? what CD??
nirvana? recently?? piano???
Does Tori Amos' cover of Smells like Teen Spirit count as a Nirvana piano song?