NJ Dog Crowned World's Ugliest


May 21, 2004
Reaction score

PETALUMA, Calif. (AP) - Elwood, a 2-year-old Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix, was crowned the world's ugliest dog Friday, a distinction that delighted the New Jersey mutt's owners.
Elwood, dark colored and hairless?save for a mohawk-like puff of white fur on his head?is often referred to as "Yoda," or "ET," for his resemblance to those famous science fiction characters.

"I think he's the cutest thing that ever lived," said Elwood's owner, Karen Quigley, a resident of Sewell, New Jersey.

Quigley brought Elwood out to compete for the second year at the annual ugly dog contest at the Marin-Sonoma County Fair. Elwood placed second last year.

Most of the competing canines were also Chinese Crested, a breed that features a mohawk, bug eyes and a long, wagging tongue.

Quigley said she rescued Elwood two years ago. "The breeder was going to euthanize him because she thought he was too ugly to sell," said Quigley.

"So ha ha, now Elwood's all over the Internet and people love him and adore him."

Beyond the regal title of ugliest dog, Elwood also earned a $1,000 reward for his owner.


Previous holder of "The World's Ugliest Dog":

Look at the second one lol. It looks like a Gremlin that's had water chucked on it. That is one ugly ****ing dog.
That's the bastard that jumps through the window in Resident Evil. Shat my pants I did.

Good times...
I've seen that second one. Good God, it certainly deserved the title. Its eyes looked like those of an anglerfish.
But how did they become so ugly. Did someone torture/burn them?
D'you think a kid picked them out as puppies in a kennel?
"Oooh mommy, let's get the one that looks like a mix of my unborn brother and daddy's half-rotten liver!"

Christ them things are scary-looking...
Second one looks evil... I say they kill it now just to be safe. :sniper:
For how awful it looks I'm sure they could fix it up a little.
The second one was ugly as sin, but the tongue on the first assures us that his succession was well deserved.
It looked like some kind of alien growth to me. Like some fleshy, faceless parasite that's probing around in his mouth. Like Shivers, but with dogs.
Sticking true to your sig eh?
2nd. dog is dead that it why it doesn't hold the title anymore...

btw that was a dog that should have put down before it got so far...it was blind, deaf, had heart problems, had kidney problems, had liver problems and who knows what else...
That thing looks like it was beaten to death with a shotgun while said gun is being fired repeatedly into its face, then raised from the dead several months later.
Did anyone else notice the resemblance?


(It's Rude Dog, from Rude Dog and the Dweebs, btw)
They euthanize dogs because they are ugly? Someone should get shot for sure!

On Topic, the dogs tongue looks so dried out. Like it never put the thing in it's mouth or something.. pug fugly.
That second one looks like a zombie with those pupiless eyes. And you're right, the dog's tongue looks like it's completely dried out from not being moisturized.
Listen to it bark lol: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkquOv32NDU[/YOUTUBE]Cutest dog(s) would be mine:

The runner-up would be Mr. Winkle though:

Rat Terriers FTW: