No CSS update well I guess it' WOW time

SGT Tenor

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Anyway just got into the World of warcraft stress test and I must say as who's never played a MMORPG, I was quite impressed. So in essence it will keep my time until Hl2 comes out.

If at anytime bots are put in and new skins i'll be back right now I'm not having much fun with CSS getting wacked all the time.

Bring on the bots.

I really wondered what you were up to! :D

Bots? What the hell are you bitching about. You would rather play CS with a bunch of bots instead of some whiney, bitching, classless, vulgar, unskilled 12 year olds? :E
Some_God said:
Bots? What the hell are you bitching about. You would rather play CS with a bunch of bots instead of some whiney, bitching, classless, vulgar, unskilled 12 year olds? :E

You just know that WoW is going to be full of them. You're going to get a split of "k3wl d00d's" from a variety of different MMORPG's going between EQ2 and WoW, it's going to be full a leet speak dammit!
But hopefully the history of l33t speak will show them it is CS players that ultimatly decided in what direction leet speak was heading.

"Mortal Kombat, we fight it".... errr "L33t Speak, we control it." :E
I remember my first was so amazing then T_T I'm going to cry now...
Yupp. December is the month of surprises. The month you recieve 12 new pairs of socks from your grandparents, and gain 40 pounds from the christmas dinners. And you usually end up having a pouning headache from all the beer you felt you HAD TO DRINK, since it's only christmas once a year.

But the CS:S update is gonna be great though :)