No game list, No steam/steamapps/youremail folder...


May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Well, i finally got my verification e-mail and stuff, but now another problem has come up.

None of my games have been steamified. They weren't converted over and i have no games in my game list. The Steam directory is C:\Valve\steam, the default.

Half life directory is C:\Sierra\half-life, also the default.

I also don't have a steam\steamapps\[email protected] folder. I don't get it, do i need to change the installation directory for steam?

Let me reassure you that i did submit a valid e-mail and recieved a verification code, so that doesn't matter. I think this is just an installation directory thing, but i'm not sure.
Oh nevermind, i got the games to convert. Just one last problem, though. In order to get custom mods, do i HAVE to have the installer? or can i just move the mod to the steamapps/email thing?

-edit- oh,'s supposed to convert this kinda stuff, but it didn't. It only did HL, and CS. But my TS didn't what? i have to redownload the installer?

-edit edit- ok, sorry this was kind of a pointless thread. It's just, the installation and conversion of HL/mods isn't too self explanatory, but it doesn't take much exploring. Sorry again, just a bit of inpatience. I don't need any help, ty anyway.
As you've worked out, only offical Steam games will convert. TS, NS and other third-party ones just need to be moved over to your SteamApps/e-mail/Half-Life dir. :)

Kirkburn said:
That ain't the default!
It is for the latest copy of the installer.