No HDR in Widescreen?


Apr 23, 2004
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So I just got my nice new 21" Widescreen (16:10) monitor with a native resolution of 1680x1050.

So I fire up Ep. 1 and set it to Widescreen 16:10 and it only gives me my native res as an option. I look in my advanced category and my option for HDR is gone! Only bloom is avalible? What gives?
really? Im rock'n a 19 inch 1400x900 (16x10) .. i dont think I dont have it... i should check.
hdr works perfectly fine in 1440x900(16:10) and what are you talking about blood is only avalible? what are you compter specs?
What are your graphics driver settings like?
I know for my Radon the settings under OpenGL and Direct3D affect the maximum resolution I can set. Not sure how they work for HDR but it might be worth taking a look.
Either way I'd recommend getting the latest drivers for you card.
Oops, I meant Bloom, not blood. lol

Anyway, I've installed the newest nvidia drivers. But under HDR it still dosent give me the "Full (if avalible)" option. But the weird thing is, in the Dark Messiah Beta I do have the option for full HDR.

The rest of you guys do have the option for full HDR in Ep. 1, right?
Ok, I figured it out.
My Ep.1 was (is still) having crashing issues. So SteamSupport had me try setting my DirectX level down to 7 using the launch options. After I had taken the -dxlevel 70 off of my launch options, Ep.1 still thought my Hardware's DX level was 7. So I just put in -dxlevel 90 and it works fine now.
what video card did you have? because bloom shouldnt work in dx7 i believe.
Yeah, Bloom worked fine when it was stuck on DX7
And I have a 6800GT
i need a new graphics card... only problem is my MB is a pice of shit... i just need to completely upgrade just about every thing.
My laptop has a 9600 Pro (my computer).
The family PC still has the geforce 3 I bought 4 years ago lol.