Looking through the source code I found where HL2 is given the instructions to reload your weapons when your not using them. As it works right now if you switch back to a weapon you where using it checks if the weapon has been holstered for longer then the variable sk_auto_reload_time, who's default is 3 (seconds).
So one work around is to set the sk_auto_reload_time either through the console or your autoexec.cfg file to a really high number. But a cleaner method would be to just erase the function in the source code all together. Does this mean I would have to use a C++ compiler to recompile the source code into a mod?
If so is there a free C++ compiler I could use or am I stuck using the latest $100+ one from MS?
What Id like to try do next is make it so if you reload with amo still in the clip you loose whatever is in the clip / barrel (except for the shotgun of course). And on the appropriate weapons if there's still a bullet in the chamber it stays there (tactical reload), and apply that to HL2 and HL:S.
So one work around is to set the sk_auto_reload_time either through the console or your autoexec.cfg file to a really high number. But a cleaner method would be to just erase the function in the source code all together. Does this mean I would have to use a C++ compiler to recompile the source code into a mod?
If so is there a free C++ compiler I could use or am I stuck using the latest $100+ one from MS?
What Id like to try do next is make it so if you reload with amo still in the clip you loose whatever is in the clip / barrel (except for the shotgun of course). And on the appropriate weapons if there's still a bullet in the chamber it stays there (tactical reload), and apply that to HL2 and HL:S.