No more pr0n


Dec 24, 2004
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An update law instates that every website with nude pictures must be able to provide contact information for every single model. This means bye-bye porn industry, as porn-stars by the handful will no doubtly refuse to have their privacy violated like that.

More importantly, it means bye-bye to hugely popular sites such as Although I can't really complain (that site was yuck), it's a huge blow to freedom of action. will also be updating its website, ridding it of the immense amount of adult games it contains on the site, if the law stays strong. My problem with that, is that newgrounds is an art site that cleverly attracts goers with its adult section. The majority of the people coming for the porn (a lot) later participate in the artist exposure-oriented portal.
interesting. i cant look at pr0n right now anyway because if i do i will be in the worst pain imaginable, but none the less i'm split on that. odd that i hadnt heard of it. although honestly, im not going to lose any sleep on the porn industry having a harder time.
I'm sure most porn sites are illegal anyways so it won't really effect them.
Porn can stay, can go the way of hell.

Really though, I fail to see how a law like this, could really effect the internet. Probably won't even make a splash, just a ripple.
Hazar said:
I'm sure most porn sites are illegal anyways so it won't really effect them.

Exactly. The law always punishes and restrict the ones that abide.
The sad thing is that this will do nothing to stop child pornography. With the unholy amounts of perfectly legal pictures/videos that are affected by this law, only a few of them will be technically considered child pornography. This will, by and large, be girls that are around the age of 17 and look older than they are.

The real child pornography will not be affected by this. It's already illegal, and this doesn't change anything. I'm not a porn freak or anything, but this law is absolutely ridiculous. It literally requires all content on the internet depicting a sexual act be proven to not be child pornography, no matter how obvious it is. Somehow "guilty until proven innocent" doesn't seem constitutional.
i kinda like this law actually, i'm just sick and tired of how many nameless women are out there, and all this porn keeps popping up everywhere, down with porn, i mean not all, just testless porn
bliink said:
u don't think so? i think all american cheap porn will go,

oh and think about Girls Gone Wild, i bet this law will hurt them as well
I'm gonna pass on believing this until I get a source other than ""
iyfyoufhl said:
oh and think about Girls Gone Wild, i bet this law will hurt them as well

All "reality porn" is fake. They're actors. It's not like they're "COLLEGE GIRLS GONE WILD"

Its all scripted!

The non-scripted stuff is usually illegal and isn't a major porn franchise!
Agreed. This law won't be enforceable enough. Is there going to be someone going around to each porn site and checking the contact information to see if it is valid? No...the only way this will help is if there is a problem with the site. Say, the girls they are using are suspect underage, well if they don't have contact information the site is gone, if they do they can check the actual age of the girl.
I like the non-scripted stuff more tho. :(
And who's going to enforce this law? The League of Nations? The Justice League? The Super Friends? Because we all know the entire intarweb is hosted in the good old USA.
FictiousWill said:
And who's going to enforce this law? The League of Nations? The Justice League? The Super Friends? Because we all know the entire intarweb is hosted in the good old USA.
... and don't you forget it!
FictiousWill said:
And who's going to enforce this law? The League of Nations? The Justice League? The Super Friends? Because we all know the entire intarweb is hosted in the good old USA.

Well duh. ;)

Sites could easily supply false information, I doubt they have the time to go through every single site and every single model. Just re-direct them to another phone and put a girly voice on. :LOL:
Who cares? I didn't like porn anyway. Maybe some boobs now and then, but not porn.

Most of the actors either give their private information or don't and get shown.

And there a difference between artistic nude and porno nude. Guess the law doesn't differenciate.
FictiousWill said:
And who's going to enforce this law? The League of Nations? The Justice League? The Super Friends? Because we all know the entire intarweb is hosted in the good old USA.

I bet something like this was tried before. It's not going to get an inch off the ground.
bliink said:

Well they shut down didn't they?

Steve_O said:
I'm gonna pass on believing this until I get a source other than ""

The very first word links to the actual law in the article, so how about you actually click the link instead of wasting your time with witty lines.

FictiousWill said:
And who's going to enforce this law? The League of Nations? The Justice League? The Super Friends? Because we all know the entire intarweb is hosted in the good old USA.

Most of it is. And this doesn't just apply to the internet, it applies to all mediums. Obviously, they've already shut down at least 3 hugely popular sites, they're gonna keep blowing popular sites.

Sober said:
Who cares? I didn't like porn anyway. Maybe some boobs now and then, but not porn.

People who make a living with porn? Wether you accept their job as ethical or not, it's THEIR job, and no one has a right to interfere with it as long as they are being healthy about it.

And there a difference between artistic nude and porno nude. Guess the law doesn't differenciate.

Actually I heard on another forum that they DO differentiate. I'm not sure what the criterias are, but sites like METART might not have that problem.

That's why most child pornography is hidden behind "Nude art." I read an article that said that nude children site have a disclaimer that says: "This site is art, art has no age limit."
That would only afect models/sites from America, right?
Uhm, but seriously. If I wanted to, I could go on a load of pr0n sites, download all the videos and pictures, and make my own on free webspace.

And they'd shut me down how?
Sulkdodds said:
Uhm, but seriously. If I wanted to, I could go on a load of pr0n sites, download all the videos and pictures, and make my own on free webspace.

And they'd shut me down how?

A threatening letter or email!
bliink said:
All "reality porn" is fake. They're actors. It's not like they're "COLLEGE GIRLS GONE WILD"

Its all scripted!

The non-scripted stuff is usually illegal and isn't a major porn franchise!
I smell cover up....bliink is on a girls gone wild video!
Time for the porn barons to move to Canada, we need a bigger porn industry here anyway.
What country is this? The web is world wide. :D

C3PO will own you all.
Sulkdodds said:
Uhm, but seriously. If I wanted to, I could go on a load of pr0n sites, download all the videos and pictures, and make my own on free webspace.

And they'd shut me down how?
Valve has a deal with the feds, steam is monitoring you! That's why the system slows down! :eek:

Anyway, in Europe they come home to you..
TheSomeone said:
The very first word links to the actual law in the article, so how about you actually click the link instead of wasting your time with witty lines.
Sorry. Perhaps I MISSED that? No need to be all mean about it...
Steve_O said:
Sorry. Perhaps I MISSED that? No need to be all mean about it...
Don't fight him, Steve! It's not worth it! <3!

I'm not worried about it, because porn websites all SUCK and have SPYWARE! The only way to get good porn is to get it through other things on the internet, other than websites. Ahem.
Steve_O said:
Sorry. Perhaps I MISSED that? No need to be all mean about it...

Sorry. I'm an asshole. Don't take anything I say seriously.
ríomhaire said:
What about Garry's Mod porn?

Yus. I demand a letter from Alyx telling me she is in fact over eighteen.
omg, no more 4chan pr0n! :( (and most of it contains cartoon pornography)
Damn, the world really is going to shit when sites like are being held down :/
TheSomeone said:
This means bye-bye porn industry, as porn-stars by the handful will no doubtly refuse to have their privacy violated like that.
I don't get why this is a problem at all. The most visited porn sites are fully legit, they don't pick up any old sluts off the streets. They interview them, get their contact information/home addresses, send them for blood tests and everything else before letting them **** each other.

They don't wanna spread aids all over the place, so of course they know where their porn stars contact information.
TheSomeone said:
This means bye-bye porn industry, as porn-stars by the handful will no doubtly refuse to have their privacy violated like that.

I think thier privacy was violated when they took of thier clothes and agreed to have sex for the camera.
Dag said:
I think thier privacy was violated when they took of thier clothes and agreed to have sex for the camera.
So a naturist who agrees to be in a documentary about naturists should not be allowed the same privacy as someone who hasn’t taken their cloths off in front of a camera? There are many different things that different people want to keep private about themselves. Just because you show that your naked body is not something you want to keep private doesn’t mean that you automatically lose any right to any other type of privacy.

For example, just because you are famous and let the world see photos of your wedding does not give me the right to print your home phone number and address for every Tom, Dick and maniac stalker to pop round and give you a visit.
Dag said:
I think thier privacy was violated when they took of thier clothes and agreed to have sex for the camera.

Obviously privacy is relative, but personally, I'd rather not have to file dozens of restraining orders just because a bunch of stalkers found my adress (if I was a hot porn star).