No More Room in Hell Returns

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
The well known mod, No More Room in Hell fell off the map not long ago, after being in development for 5 years. However, a more solid core team have joined their ranks in order to bring the zombie apocolypse mod back to life. The mod is a total conversion based on the Half-life 2 Source engine and promises to bring lots of fun game modes, non-linear maps and an array of fun weapons.
The good news doesn't stop there. No More Room in Hell will be available for download as an open beta before Summer 2009 and will follow the progress with a hawk's eye. The open beta will feature the mod's first gametype, called Survival Barricade which is a mixture of Left 4 Dead's Survival Mode and Call of Duty: World at War's pathetic excuse of a Zombie game mode. The Survival Barricade will have up to 8 players spread randomly in a map, they then have to find each other and see how long they can survive a never ending torrent of zombies hungry for brains and flesh while barricading the doors and windows of their shelter with whatever they can find around them
The team are also looking for animators and technical artists to aid development. You can get more information and updates every Sunday on the NMRiH website.
Having to start out alone and find the other players sounds interesting. Hope they can pull it off.
Zombie games are always welcome. :thumbs:

Right now I play Zombie panic source almost daily. Great mod
Yeah, that's a great zombie game too.
Black Mesa: Source.....I hope you get the pun. :naughty: I downloaded that leaked version a while ago and it was very creepy but it was really buggy. So I really hope this comes out because this sounds pretty cool. I still don't think Survival mode in L4D will be a big hit.
The leak was from before we got our last coder who did some great work, which was unfortunate. It gave us a bad name of sorts, but whatever, people need to realize it's a leak. Let's just say we have people leading up the team now that live and breath Game Design, and we know what we're doing a lot more than past teams :p.

Thanks for the support and posting our news, I'll definitely be returning with more news posts here!
I still don't think Survival mode in L4D will be a big hit.

Don't state the the consensus of something, just because YOU may not be pleased with it.

In any event, all zombie mods currently in production should quit while they're ahead. With left 4 dead out, it will seem naturally underpar...

I still can't believe people can play Zombie Panic for more than 10 mins without falling asleep; it astounds me.

EDIT: ha, i sound a little hypocritical... The above 2 lines are simply my opinions, to make that clear.
The leak was from before we got our last coder who did some great work, which was unfortunate. It gave us a bad name of sorts, but whatever, people need to realize it's a leak. Let's just say we have people leading up the team now that live and breath Game Design, and we know what we're doing a lot more than past teams :p.

Thanks for the support and posting our news, I'll definitely be returning with more news posts here!
Well I just wanted to see how it was like so I downloaded it. :LOL: I understood completely though that it was a leak and wasn't finished. I really liked the sound effects. The sound effects were really good and some places like a grocery store was really good. I also remember some log cabin like in Blood Harvest and the way it cast a soft yellow glow from the light inside was really eery. One bad part of L4D is how they did the Sea Green colored fog. In NMFH though it's pitch black and it felt like that cabin was isolated.


Ya that's the one. Creepier than the final fight at Blood Harvest IMO. I think L4D took many things from this mod too.

Ya that's the one. Creepier than the final fight at Blood Harvest IMO. I think L4D took many things from this mod too.

This is a nice map. There are also some Zombie Panic source servers using this map :p
That would be because the creator of that map, as well as the creator of the "Crossroads Mall" L4D Campaign, as well as a few other maps, decided to leave us and throw his maps around to other teams. We got all but Harvest back as it was released with ZPS. Oh well, as long as people remember how bad Darth Brush screwed over the team :p.

And TBH, we're pretty sure L4D took a lot from NMRiH as well. There was a 20+ page discussion on respawns back in 2004 and we came to the consensus of finding new survivors in closets and closed off rooms. I'm just waiting for L4D to put barricading in just as we plan it as well, but for now we're okay.

The thing to realize is L4D is an Arcade style game. You run forward, blast the hell out of zombies, and have a good time. NMRiH is a survival horror game, if you try that with us, you'll more than likely die.
Been following this for a long time now, glad to hear you're up to speed :D
Fiberawptic has been supporting Valve since 2008 like they are the best developers ever. While that might be true in some regards, they are far from perfect. NMRH has been in longer development than L4D, since HL2 shortly released in fact. Really when you look at L4D, Valve took a little bit of Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green and NMRH and made a game that combines the 2. Unfortunately for Valve they made it retard friendly and added things like colored fog so you can see zombies way in the distance thus reducing the fear factor. I thought Team Fortress Forever was a pretty kick-ass mod as well. Lot of aspects are better than TF2 but TF2 took over that game unfortunately. Look at the maps as well and they are far more varied and a lot more effort went into making them. L4D has 2 maps really Blood Harvest and Dead Air. The maps are similar because they were supposed to be linked story wise. So really it's just 1 very long campaign.

They quickly came out and advertised that there is 5 levels each but in a normal game, there is the same, if not in each level as well. They said 20 levels in total but really that is 4 levels. It's similar to TF2 with Desert and Industry. It doesn't take that much time for Valve to develop for 2 environments and they are going for the least amount of time possible to create content. Then they focus on those maps until release. They might release a forest map environment for TF2, but it won't be big and it's just to get people to buy the game. Valve can't take 5+ years to develop games because it hurts them financially. They also don't have the people to make a full game.

Really just read on their website. They put more effort into this than Valve. The effort and longevity of L4D will be down to the SDK. The SDK will be hard to use though (I hope not) and Valve will later release the fan maps as "official" so they don't have to create content. Probably say "we are releasing 2 community maps" and do a 15% off sale on a weekend so people buy L4D. All Valve had to do was release work made by their fans, add a sale, and profit.

You should always question if somebody can do things better than Valve and what Valve is doing to make profit. People on this site think Valve are gaming gods because they release content for free because they like to. They release content to get money and feed their families. They also release good games but it's already been done in other games. They are running out of ideas as well because they keep on making the same physics puzzles since 2004.
Please, don't ever breed.
Hool, consider binding your hands with barbed wire; it may dispel the verbal diarrhoea that oozes forth when you put hand to keyboard.
With that, you're not only the most stupid but the most infuriating twat on these forums.
I haven't been on the forums too much. Is Hool the resident troll?

If so, I've gotta give his post an "A" for effort.
No, he was simply never told by anyone he's missing the neurons everyone else has that link his brain with his hands and mouth.
No More Room in the mod genre


I kid, there's never enough zombie mods.

Hool, check yoself, fool!.

As in, stfu and delete your account.
Could we knock it off with the member specific drama and get back to the topic of news.

Great to hear from the guys at NMRIH!
The updates are looking very promising and i'll definitely be sure to check the site every monday for a cooler post of news :)

Keep up the great work!
From the screenies, it looks like a good mod. Any more screenshots?
i remember seeing a lot of media for this a while back and wondering what happened to it. good to see its alive though.
Fiberawptic has been supporting Valve since 2008 like they are the best developers ever. While that might be true in some regards, they are far from perfect. NMRH has been in longer development than L4D, since HL2 shortly released in fact. Really when you look at L4D, Valve took a little bit of Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green and NMRH and made a game that combines the 2. Unfortunately for Valve they made it retard friendly and added things like colored fog so you can see zombies way in the distance thus reducing the fear factor. I thought Team Fortress Forever was a pretty kick-ass mod as well. Lot of aspects are better than TF2 but TF2 took over that game unfortunately. Look at the maps as well and they are far more varied and a lot more effort went into making them. L4D has 2 maps really Blood Harvest and Dead Air. The maps are similar because they were supposed to be linked story wise. So really it's just 1 very long campaign.

They quickly came out and advertised that there is 5 levels each but in a normal game, there is the same, if not in each level as well. They said 20 levels in total but really that is 4 levels. It's similar to TF2 with Desert and Industry. It doesn't take that much time for Valve to develop for 2 environments and they are going for the least amount of time possible to create content. Then they focus on those maps until release. They might release a forest map environment for TF2, but it won't be big and it's just to get people to buy the game. Valve can't take 5+ years to develop games because it hurts them financially. They also don't have the people to make a full game.

Really just read on their website. They put more effort into this than Valve. The effort and longevity of L4D will be down to the SDK. The SDK will be hard to use though (I hope not) and Valve will later release the fan maps as "official" so they don't have to create content. Probably say "we are releasing 2 community maps" and do a 15% off sale on a weekend so people buy L4D. All Valve had to do was release work made by their fans, add a sale, and profit.

You should always question if somebody can do things better than Valve and what Valve is doing to make profit. People on this site think Valve are gaming gods because they release content for free because they like to. They release content to get money and feed their families. They also release good games but it's already been done in other games. They are running out of ideas as well because they keep on making the same physics puzzles since 2004.

Woops, didn't realize your not allowed to like Valve and be supportive of them, rather than most who find it better to bitch about their every move. You're dreaming if you honestly think some unfinished, cliche hl2 zombie mod was Valves source of inspiration for Left 4 Dead. Perhaps you didn't read their blog post when they said they prefered gray fog over total darkness because you could see the zombies sprinting at you from far away, making it more frightening than a milisecond zombie suprise which would only be scary for no more than a second.

You complain that Valve should've done things that NMRiH did but then you say how Valve stole and copied everything from that mod... Ain't dat a contradiction ma'?

And no, people don't say Valve are gaming gods because 'dey relees freee content', they are gaming gods because they have yet to release an original game that isn't either a classic or simply a huge hit. They don't rely on in-your-face advertising and hyped up media marketing to make their games bestsellers as well. And with their extensive library of games, not one has been a disappointment, and most are classics in my books. So you tell me, does that not sound like a kick ass developing team to you? Or are you too busy being pissed off they delayed a few updates for a week... :rolleyes:

Theres more to be angry about and resentful towards than some video game developers... But i guess its in your best interest to just complain, rather than be thankful for the kick-ass games they have given us...
No more from you two please, comments should be relevant to NMRIH. Last time of warning.