No More Room In Hell

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Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score

You all should check this mod out, one of the best looking mods for halflife-2

Think They hunger meets Sven-Coop...

go check it out, many cool features planned, like boarding up windows to hold off zombies, and cool things like that...

check it out, register for the forums...
Nice, some more gun renders. Do any of these mods have anything more than gun renders to show?
as if you can do anything else! you cant make maps or decent character modeling because the SDK aint out yet
wouldnt this mod be more fit to doom3? with all the hell-ish stuff it will bring and all. all the hell-ish ambience.
yeh but its multiplayer, and they want more than 4 people in the maps, so moo.
Really? must have just been there multiplayer test, .. very well, but you have to admit doom3 doesnt look the easiest engine to mod for, quake 3 was difficult enough.
Don't advertise in our general discussion forum, please.

Moved to General Editing.
Allegedly this mod has been using the stolen files. Link removed. We don't support teams that use the stolen files.

*pokes Abom for beating him to the thread* :D
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