No Portal: Still Alive on PSN


Jul 6, 2003
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Valve's Doug Lombardi has confirmed that the new downloadable content Portal: Still Alive will not be available on the PlayStation Network, and it's exclusive to Xbox Live Arcade.

"I'd call that today's rumor," a Valve spokesperson told CVG when quizzed on the subject. Today's rumour, but tomorrow's news, we said. "You're smart to ask. But no," Valve told us.

Portal: Still Alive is coming later this year on XBLA.
No suprise. Valve are to lazy to develop for the ps3.
What is this anyway? New Portal levels by Valve, or some other company are developing them?
Just a bunch of fanmade maps that we PC guys have had for months already, free of charge.
No suprise. Valve are to lazy to develop for the ps3.
Valve don't want to and they never have. EA UK made the PS3 ports of the Orange Box games. Gabe hates the PS3.
Jesus VALVe fanboy alert.

Valve has never wanted to invest in the PS3, which is exactly why they handed over all Orange Box development for that console over to an EA developer. Gabe Newell has been very vocal in expressing his disdain for the console and its hardware. Furthermore, not every developer feels obliged to release their products for every single platform, let alone one that is significantly more difficult to develop for than any of its rivals. None of that has anything to do with laziness.
lol playing orange box on a console is.... how do I put this politely?

not ideal :sniper:
Orange Box on console was fine for me. One of the best gaming experiences I've had, actually. Going through HL2 and the Episodes in one go was brilliant.

Pretty big hit as far as I recall, it's just the PS3 version was bugged to hell because it wasn't in Valves hand. The game did great for the 360.
Orange Box on console was fine for me. One of the best gaming experiences I've had, actually. Going through HL2 and the Episodes in one go was brilliant.

Pretty big hit as far as I recall, it's just the PS3 version was bugged to hell because it wasn't in Valves hand. The game did great for the 360.

don't get me wrong I love all the consoles. I just don't like the level of crossover we're seeing this generation.