No Quake 4 at Quakecon 2004


Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score

This is a surprise to me because I would have expected to see Q4 for the sole reason of killing Unreal3 hype... I guess ID software wants to keep the focus of Quakecon 2004 on Doom 3 then. At least we all can be sure Doom 3 will come out before Quakecon 2004 ... or what everyone will be stuck playing Quake 3 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Why would Quake IV kill Unreal 3 hype? They are not competing games. Unreal 3 isn't even a game.
Neutrino said:
Why would Quake IV kill Unreal 3 hype? They are not competing games. Unreal 3 isn't even a game.

Not gameplay hype, game engine hype. Not to say Quake 4 would have better graphics than Unreal 3 but they would have to be in the same ballpark.
Eywanadi said:
Not gameplay hype, game engine hype. Not to say Quake 4 would have better graphics than Unreal 3 but they would have to be in the same ballpark.
no they wouldn't. Unreal 3 engine blows doom 3 and Source the hell out of everything. But of course, it's technology being built for future games, 2-3 years out.
Hmmmm, they will have jsut released doom3 and whats the point in hyping quake4 so early? I think it would do doom3 much better in sales. Also I am kinda loving the style of doom3 how its going to be kinda a dual multiplayer. I think it should be intresting.

There is no Unreal its Unreal Engine 3. No game has been anounched yet. They are doing what they do with most of there games and focusing on the engine its self at the start. Then they sell it to developers and build there own game at the same time.

Quake4 hasn't even been anounched yet. There is not much information around about it and it will proberly get a video or maybe even something smaller like an anoncment around september of december this year. It will be the the game for quakecon 2005 or maybe 2006.
HAHAAH. you talk big for knowing so little. Quake4 was announced at Quakecon2002.

Unreal engine 3 is no match for Quake4 engine. do not be fooled into believing Quake4 will look like Doom3. assumption has been the death of many unworthy warriors! Doom3 engine is very toned down to run on current systems. NOW BOW AND CALL ME MASTER!!!!
meh ...quake 4 = quake 3 with better graphics
Quake4 has nothing to do with Quake3. your kung-fu is novice, no better.
DreamWraith said:
no they wouldn't. Unreal 3 engine blows doom 3 and Source the hell out of everything. But of course, it's technology being built for future games, 2-3 years out.

The Unreal 3 engine is more like Doom 3 engine than it is different. There are only a few things extra it has tacked on over the Doom 3 engine. That would be High Dynamic Range Lighting (The white halo that forms around objects near a bright light), soft shadows, and virtual displacment maps.

John Carmack talked in one of his .plan updates once on how he had used multiple cube maps to make soft shadows in Doom 3 but it would probably not be in the final version becasue of preformance reasons. So let there be no doubt that we will see soft shadows in Quake 4. As for the HDR Lighting it is more of a graphics card calculation than a thing you program into the game engine ... anyone can add it with little skill the same goes for virtual displacement maps.

Bump up texture resolutions and polygons from what is used in Doom 3 and all of a sudden Quake 4 will be in the ballpark of the new Unreal beast.
gameplay young grasshopper, gameplay

the novice has taken it upon himself to speak out of turn? AHAHAHAHA. your arrogance amuses me, though your kung-fu is obviously lacking. Quake4 is not a continuation of Quake3, instead it is a continuation of the Strogg war story line from Quake2.
Strogg, schmogg, I'll teach you to suck dirty eggs!!!
Strogg, schmogg, I'll teach you to suck dirty eggs!!!

AHAH HAH HAH HAH!! such insolence from a novice is not a wise course of action, what a fool you are. do you not know that i kill at will? your kung-fu is quite inferior to my Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. BEG FOR MERCY IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!!!
PaiMei said:
AHAH HAH HAH HAH!! such insolence from a novice is not a wise course of action, what a fool you are. do you not know that i kill at will? your kung-fu is quite inferior to my Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. BEG FOR MERCY IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!!!

Give it up. It was funny the first couple times.
Heh Looks like you've met your match and received the Deadly Dragon Backhand of STFU technique :)