no widescreen support.... AGAIN?

There is some sort of extra view in the widescreen mode at the sides, but it cuts some of the top of off to get it. Don't know the terms for it but I read up on it at widescreen gaming. Unlike the first game that gave you the the same horizontally but still cut off some of the vertical.

2K Statement on PC widescreen issue:-
temporary fix from the steam forum:

in Windows, type %AppData% into the run dialog box (Winkey + R), then navigate to and open:

To Fix the FOV for Widescreen:
go to the [Default] section and bind an unused key to "SetFOV 90" without quotes. hit that key ingame to change the FOV. it holds between saves, so you shouldn't have to do it more than once.

To Reset FOV to Default
go to the [Default] section and bind an unused key to "ResetFOV" without quotes.