No wonder why Blue Shift was so short.

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know if you guys knew this, but this is really new to me.
I was allways wondering why Blue Shift is so short, apparently, it was a "bonus" for the Half Life version for the Dreamcast witche never saw the light. It would have really been a great bonus.
Yep, most of us know.

It is a pretty good expansion, but Gearbox made the whole thing so damn dark. I couldn't see during half of it. I do like how there was no final boss. Something different in the HL-universe.
I became aware of this shortly after I finished the game.

I think you should try the mod "Azure Sheep" as I think it is heaps better at telling Barney's side of the story.
Gearbox made one of my favourite games, Opposing Force, I wonder how they could have made shuch a short game.
I wasen't in the Half Life universe when Blue shift was announced, were you guys exited ?
I just learnt this
I perfer Opposing Force for my HL expansions.
Opposing Force was relatively short as well. I'd guess if you combined Opposing Force and Blue Shift, it would be about the length of HL.
Uh, I think Blue Shift was short because people wanted to see more of Barney the security guard and seriously, how much would a security guard have to do to escape? Dodge Marines...check...find someone who has a way to something in order to aide in the escape that requires your firearms training..check...there really isnt a lot of things someone would have to do in the Halflife perspective....that and it was produced by Gearbox (right?)
Opposing Force gave us new weapons, new enemies, and new styles of gameplay (controlling NPCs).

Blue Shift didn't give us anything new other than better graphics.
They ported Blue Shift to the pc because alot of people asked for it, so stop saying it sucks and be happy to gearbox did it for you. BS was really nice and added more storyline and the HD pack owned.
is it worth playing? i played opposing force and hl1, but i didn't touch blueshift b/c of the subpar reviews it always gets, and b/c people in general said it just wasn't all that great
I liked Blue Shift, don't get me wrong. It just left much to be desired, considering how good Opposing Force was. Blue Shift had many memorable moments but compared to the Azure Sheep modification, its shortcomings become apparent.
It's worth it if you don't have OP4. It comes with it.
As a big HL fanboy :D i'd say i enjoyed Blue Shift it's short but made very well.
blue shift is excellent, you should especially play it if you think the xen bits in halflife were rubbish, because theyre really good in BS.
I bought Opposing Force but I downloaded Blue Shift. Hell if I'm gonna pay for such a short game. Even OpForce was too short considering the price.
Blue Shift is just more of the same HL combat, so if that is what you desire, then get it.
Holy crap, I thought everyone knew that. I'm not trying to be rude but that was a big deal at the time when Half-Life for the DC got cancelled. The DC version came with opposing force too and the HD pack. You can still find the gold version for the DC on edonkey btw. I was gonna download it next week.
I liked Blue Shift. I don't have anything against short games. It had good combat, some nice gameplay, like rescueing that scientist (forgot his name) and the HD-pack is still a gift from heaven.
all i can say is you are a fool to think DC would ever's Sega, every attempt at a system they made with exception to Genesis was a total flop. Either it flops or they give up on it, and I bet Valve saw it would not be profitable to make a game for it..
ShadowFox said:
Yep, most of us know.
It is a pretty good expansion, but Gearbox made the whole thing so damn dark. I couldn't see during half of it. I do like how there was no final boss. Something different in the HL-universe.
Yeah it was far too dark, and fairly mediocre. Thing is, sure there was no final boss and that last bit was frantic and was pretty good, but the ending left me choking a bit. Oh it was all wrong. I saw one review that said "if you didn't like the endings to HL or Op4, this one will have you rubbing chilli sauce into your eyes." Although looks like they ran with it.
One thing I disliked about BS was that you never met ant other security guards after the catastroph. But it was well worth the time of playing it.
Maybe in Blue Shift you should have met up with tonnes of gordens instead of guards....

Youd click on him and hed just give you a blank stare and follow you till you blew his brains out when he gets stuck on doorway.
the plot was not at all linear and the abscence of a final boss really made the trick.
the opposing force SP sucked.Especially the final boss....The end Boss sucked ass.
Hey what really happened to the uplink.There is no fullversion for Uplink.Or was it just a bonus game????
Blue Shift kinda pissed me off.

I paid 70 Francs for the damn game because, hey, it's Half-Life and I need to collect it out of principle. It also said it had OpFor in it as well. When I finally got home to install it, I found that there was no stinkin' OpFor. I searched the box, the CD, where Blue Shift was installed... I did that for a week because I thought maybe I just missed something. When I finally went to return the game, complaining that it didn't contain what the box said it did, the dude asked for a receipt.

Oh lucky me. I had already thrown that piece of paper away. GOTTER DAMMERUNG.

Any way, besides that, I thought it was too short. The HD pack blew donkey ass if you ask me. The scientists and vortigaunts looked alright, I guess. But the security guards didn't look anything like their originals. The alien grunts looked like disproportional cartoon characters. The marines had large heads and lost the badass look they once had. And the G-Man? Did you see the new G-Man? He looked absolutely freakin' horrible!

That, and they replaced the MP5 with the M4, which made no sense. Ammo for my glock now works for an M4? I don't think so.
myth said:
the plot was not at all linear and the abscence of a final boss really made the trick.
Yes, the plot was completely linear... It ran completely concurrently to that of HL1, how could it not be linear?
Op4 SP was fantastic - far better than Blue Shift. But yes the end boss was rubbish.
And Uplink was the demo for HL.
Just as an aside - don't make three posts were one will do.

Absinthe - I thought the HD pack was quite good. Except for, as you said, the G-Man; he looked far too healthy. And yes the M4 was rubbish - it's a big rifle yet sounds piddly in comparison to the MP5. The other replacements were good though.
Blue Shift was short because it was an attempt at making money from the HL franchise.
what an idiotic comment crazyharij.

Read a few posts back to find out what blue shift really was.

Personally i really enjoyed BS, i loved the soldier combat and the situations were different - not recycled from the original halflife singleplayer like alot of the op4 parts were. I thought that was crap about op4.
I really enjoyed op4, but it didn't feel like halflife enough to me with it's new alien race and comical sounding soldier voices. it kind of detracted from the whole mood. It had some golden moments though, i loved the pit drones... i felt they fit in really nicely.

I thought the HD pack was refreshing, apart from the m4/m16 whatever it was. I liked the mp5 =(

And yes, it's agreed - The gman looked reaaaally weird!
Install the Blue shift patch and you'll get a better Gman model that looks to me like the HL2 gman O_o
I was happy buying Blue Shift, I didn't have Opposing Force and it came with it, along with the HD pack, it was well worth the 20 dollars.
Sandler said:
Install the Blue shift patch and you'll get a better Gman model that looks to me like the HL2 gman O_o
Nah, he looks too healthy, too built (well, in relative terms)
The G-Man is pale, ill-looking and all the more sinister for it.
The HL2 G-man looks more like the original than the HD version, at least.

BS was very short, and was not, bluntly, worth £14.99 in my eyes. Maybe a tenner, and maybe they could've thrown in a revamped Uplink as well. After all, BS was standalone (for some stupid reason). But thats why Steam is the future, eh? "Uplink lite" was famously 3.5 megs, despite being unofficial, so I'd be interested in seeing how small BS would be without the HL engine core being included.

Azure Sheep was good, but its overrated. Seriously, Shepard and Gordon with 9mms?! Just glorified Barney's... Sweet Half-Life gave us allies packing better firepower, why couldn't we at least see a magnum-toting Gordon and Shepard with a SAW and grenades, or something bloody original? Gah.