No XBL for people under 18?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I've read at several forums that there's no online play for people under 18 with the new XBL; could anyone confirm that this is true?
I can understand why they'd choose to do this, but I never verbally assault people in game or such, if this is true I might actually consider returning my box..:\

Thankfull for any reply.
I haven't heard this, but if it's true, there'll be quite a bit of backlash. Plus, you could always have a parent sign up or something...
heh, there could be a big backlash but at the same time there will also be a large number of people praising such a move. Personally I don't think it is a good idea though, you just need an older friend/family member to sign you up.
no.. you can buy gamecards like you can for world of warcraft or whatever... which sucks because there'll probably be more whiney high pitched kids on voice chat.
You can not sign up for xbox live unless you are 18 but alot of kids will use their parents b-days or make it up
Blackghost, like me, but seriously, I behave, like in CSS etc, I'm not one of those kids who starts yelling or spamming at you because you accidentally TK me, I'm more just like "Shit happens" and continue playing.

Oh well.

I've heard now also that it's only due to a legal issue, which Microsoft is trying to resolve to remove the age limit btw.
My guess is that it has to do with there being credit card info tied to the accounts? No idea...

Well I'm glad I can game on :P
Gargantou said:
Blackghost, like me, but seriously, I behave, like in CSS etc, I'm not one of those kids who starts yelling or spamming at you because you accidentally TK me, I'm more just like "Shit happens" and continue playing.

Doesn't matter how you act ingame, legal "adult" age in USA is 18. M$ goes by that.
Yeah I guess.
But I checked it up now too, and it is as Iced_Eagle says, if you buy a gamecard, you're fine, that's it, it's only the legal age with the credit card info so.:)

Ty for the input or whatever I should call it guys.:P