Nokia 6600


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
While I wait for my subwayblueprints to be scanned, I went on modeling my cellular phone.

If you klick here

You can read about my techniques used, why I used them and so on. You can also download two clips.
I will add stuff as soon as I get it done. I try to model every day so the progress should be fast.

Appreciate any feedback even though I'm in an early fase.
Here's a peek-
looks nice, but is this in any ways related to HL2 modeling (cause i think that's what this forum is for, post this on cgtalk/cgchat :)
simon said:
looks nice, but is this in any ways related to HL2 modeling (cause i think that's what this forum is for, post this on cgtalk/cgchat :)

no, this forum is all modeling. yes it's under hl2 development, and it saus for hl2 models, but there's no better place to put this, and why should we stop him from sharing his work with this community?
simon said:
looks nice, but is this in any ways related to HL2 modeling (cause i think that's what this forum is for, post this on cgtalk/cgchat :)

What if Freeman was able to use this ingame?

... Tank, get me out of here!!
You probably could use it in a HL2 mod if you wanted :)
Hehehe, you never stop surprising me you sexy norwegian modelling maniac :) Er såpass stilig at jeg ble litt homo en stund.

It's the first time I've seen that kind of model :E By the looks of your previous work, this is gonna be drooling hot. Keep it up my friend!
Chris_D:You probably could :)
Ecthe|ioN:Scary, very scary, but I'm glad you liked it so much you almost turned gay as you said... I will do my best. Hopefully it will be a good model...
You should take that to Orange and Disney Pixar :).

Finding Nemo 2: The Phone locator Service.

Using a specially adapted waterproof nokia 6600 (possibly that new Siemens outdoor phone) and the new Orange Child-locator service Nemo's father effortlessly locates Nemo and rescues him.
Wilco said:
You should take that to Orange and Disney Pixar :).

Finding Nemo 2: The Phone locator Service.

Using a specially adapted waterproof nokia 6600 (possibly that new Siemens outdoor phone) and the new Orange Child-locator service Nemo's father effortlessly locates Nemo and rescues him.

Wilco...stop smoking :p

I have been modeling some more. Here are the new updates








This is definately the way for me to model. At least technical modeling. The cage is superb to have. It defines gradients in the mesh etc. etc...
Well, actually it isn't splinemodeling ;) Just using the curves for reference.
keep up the good work, would love to have at least the model of one of those :D
Ecthe|ioN: There's only one way to get better ;)
unOx: Thx, The buttons are finished now, update soon.
Sparfa: I'll try to get the model 90+ % so you can "feel" it :)

Update in a couple of hours ;)
Sweeeet. Drooling sweeeet. I feel like eating it. Don't know why..
Nice to see you again st0lve. Ja, han er virkelig god. Ingen tvil om det. Nå var det natta.

Good night people.
Thx guys. I feel like it's getting a bit norwegian here nowadays :p I'll get going in a few hours so I'll have a new update later.
Ecthelion, hvor kjenner jeg deg fra? D:
Yes there are quite alot of norwegians here :p
st0lve said:
Ecthelion, hvor kjenner jeg deg fra? D:
Yes there are quite alot of norwegians here :p

Bare fra en annen tråd for en tid tilbake :)
Haven't seen you around here for a while. If we, the Norwegians, are gonna take over the world, we need to keep in contact. Oops.. Me and my large mouth..
/me runs
Keep the updates coming :D nice seeing a different aproach to modeling for once.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Bare fra en annen tråd for en tid tilbake :)
Haven't seen you around here for a while. If we, the Norwegians, are gonna take over the world, we need to keep in contact. Oops.. Me and my large mouth..
/me runs
Hoho ja, kansje dere vendøler kan ta over verden :frog: :LOL: :cat: :cat: :cat:
Haha nei den var kansje litt frekk.

Mika, where is the update? :eek:
Nice :naughty:
I want 2 modelate too :(
Dritbra! Jeg er norsk :naughty:
Like I said. The norwegians are taking over the world, starting with this forum. Now Mikademius, forget your girlfriend and do some modeling (don't tell my fiancé that I said that)

st0lve: Vi venndøler får til alt hvis vi bare vil.. :p Hvor er du ifra? Kr.sand ?
Sorry for the late update. Thought I should model more before I posted another one. I have been modeling some more and it's getting close to finish.

Troublesome areas:
- Where the red and green button is penetrating the mesh
- The little hole at the bottom of the back
- The bottom of the back where you plug your batterycharger (This was the worst ) :flame:

I also put a little dummyplane with a texture on it for the screen :)

I will be finished with the modeling after one more hour of work I guess, maybe two.

That means I have spent about 10-12 hours on the model. Witch is a bit slow, but I believe I would manage to get it done in a day + an hour overtime if I was to do it in a workrelated situation.

I will probably have to remodel some parts when I start rendering. That's when the faults come hunting you down...

I have some images for you and some spins.







And the mov:
Nice :E Very Nice :E I almost bought that phone, but since I spent 7000 NOK on the Nokia 7650 2 years ago, I found out that such an expensive phone just wasn't worth it one more time :) I like phones with large displays, even though they tend to get a bit "blocky".

The model is coming along nicely though. Good to see you're not giving up. Give my best regards to your girlfriend, even though she's keeping you from modeling. :p Girls.. Can't live with them, can't live without them. The longer you're with a girl, the more than line makes sense ..

*sigh* I'm tired.
What does " giving up " mean?

I almost made the same 7k NOK mistake you did :) Instead I just got this for my birthday. My next NOKIA will probably be the 9300. It doesn't have a camera though :( The model will probably be finished tomorrow. Well, at least the outside :) I'll say you said hi to my Girlfriend :D
I really want to buy either the Nokia 7270 or the 7260, but they look expensive as well.. Why don't you go for the 9500? It has a camera.
Echte|ioN: Money :)
simmo: Thx. Yeah, never seen a cellular phone on these forums before :)I just want to bring different modeling aproaches to the forums :)

Update will come later this week or during the weekend. I am working on the AUG references needed to set up the tutorial ;)
SidewinderX said:
no, this forum is all modeling. yes it's under hl2 development, and it saus for hl2 models, but there's no better place to put this, and why should we stop him from sharing his work with this community?

so basicly this is a modeling forum, not just for HL2 mods etc ?
if it is i didn't know and i appolygize :)

Mikademius: just saw the 3D vid. lovely work! now put the most realistic textures on there and make a nice render ! :)
simon said:
so basicly this is a modeling forum, not just for HL2 mods etc ?
if it is i didn't know and i appolygize :)

Mikademius: just saw the 3D vid. lovely work! now put the most realistic textures on there and make a nice render ! :)

I've always posted High-poly here :) And thx, I'll have to do some shading and rendering on this one...
very good work

well done ... that's my phone ... ;)
:sniper: :sniper:​