Non-existent Wad files for HL2!



Sorry if this is already been done, but I'm so desperate for help using Hammer. I have looked everywhere for an answer to my questions but it seems like no one is asking this one. Look, I'm just a noob when it comes to map making, I just started about 3 days ago. And i cant find the wad files to import textures into hammer. I need someone to explain to me where I get the textures at.

Heres my BFS -
I have hl2, ccs, dods, portal, tf2, ep 1, and ep 2 all through Steam. :rolling: I have hammer 3.4 to build the maps, and lots of free time during the day.

I already know wad files are not for HL2, but Hammer only asks for wad files.

I already know that I'm looking for GCF Files.

I already have GCFscape to extract the files.

These are my questions:

*What file do i look for to extract the necessary files?
*If hl2 does not work with wad files... then how come hammer only excepts wad files, and then how do people build maps??!!??:frown:

Someone plz help me, I just want to mod soooo baddddd!
I may have the most basic/stupid(?) answer, however it's also a question.

Are you running Hammer from Source SDK?
Hammer 3.4 is only compatible with GoldSrc engine games (such as the original Half-Life, COunter-Strike, etc). To edit maps for HL2, run Hammer through the Source SDK, which can be found on the Tools menu in Steam. WAD files are not used by the Source engine; GCFs are instead, and you don't have to extract them as Hammer 4 reads them.
If this works then i'm going to marry both of you. I'm such a noob at this!
I'm not entirely sure if that's legal ;)

By the way, you should change "effect" to "affect" in your signature :p
Alright, I'm trying to get my map working here, its just a cube thats been hollowed with a starting point for a player and a light to see. But it says:

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"The system cannot find the file specified."

Any ideas?
Have you compiled your map or just saved it?