Non-Exploded Gunship? Is This Normal?


Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
I was playing on the level Highway 17 and the second gunship you come across, the one after you jump the broken bridge, I shot down, and it crashed, without a scratch on it, compleatly intact. Is that normal?
yeah, it happens at times. you don't need to worry about it. actually... never mind. i don't want to spoil something for you. unless you want me to. but, otherwise, yes it's normal. well, not completely normal, but it'll happen occasionally. take a look at it up close if you can.
Spoil it!!!

I wanna Know

How bad is the spoil?
It's not that bad :p.

Basically with the second gunship you fight, if you make sure the killing shot hits it when its over the road (in the opposite direction to the crane and the docks) then it won't explode into bits, instead it dives and often lands ontop of the cars. Exploding along the way but not coming apart.
how is that a spoiler. Plus i beat the game already.
Crash landings can be cool in certain areas, most of the time the BOOM BOOM BOOM EXPLODE is cooler.
Right well i'm going to keep replaying it till it crashes into me or alyx if its possible to coax her away from the corner.
On my last play through it hit the floor then skidded off the side.
I wish there was a way to set it so they always crash-landed, it's so much more spectacular looking. That one crash on highway 17 is my favourite part of the game, just because the first time i played it i had to jump out of the way, movie style so it didnt crush me.
Feath said:
It's meant to happen.
He speaks the truth. The Developer's commentary says that the Gunship is programmed to crash whole so that the player can have a good look as a reward for downing it. Plus, Alyx's "hey, perhaps you better whack it with the crowbar to check that it's dead" line wouldn't make sense if the gunship wasn't there :)
Heh, I've been able to down the 2nd Gunship on Highway 17, landing it right on the rail and a car, and been able to down it in the roof of Episode 1. I liked the latter better, since Alyx's comment is funnier with it like that, plus you can see under it, but the second one's sort of neat as well, just due to timing in the game.
The chopper in Water Hazard crashed into me... so did the first Combine body that dropped out... right into me but it only did 20 damage(the 20 damamge one is the chopper not the combine, combine was 0)
Wait a minute, you can actually see the pilot drop out of the chopper in Water Hazard? I should keep an eye out for that on my next playthrough.

And the part in Highway 17 where the gunship crashes without exploding was featured prominently in one of the previews for HL2. Basically, they showed off the game's physics by having it crash at high speed into the mass of wrecked cars.
Bull Goose Loony said:
I wish there was a way to set it so they always crash-landed, it's so much more spectacular looking. That one crash on highway 17 is my favourite part of the game, just because the first time i played it i had to jump out of the way, movie style so it didnt crush me.

That same thing happened to me on my last play-through. It was also the first time I ever saw it do that. It was spectacular and got my adrenalin going. I jumped out of the way when I realized it was going to hit me but the damn thing swurved on it's way down and I actually ran from it for a second or two and then ducked at the last momment, causing it to skim right over my head and crash onto the beach far below. If I'd been standing I would have been squished between it and the guardrail.
Termite said:
I was playing on the level Highway 17 and the second gunship you come across, the one after you jump the broken bridge, I shot down, and it crashed, without a scratch on it, compleatly intact. Is that normal?
face it man u suck u suck sooo much that u cant even take down a gunship properly!!!

*Warned for this post due to poor attitude*
Apocalypse89 said:
Wait a minute, you can actually see the pilot drop out of the chopper in Water Hazard? I should keep an eye out for that on my next playthrough.

And the part in Highway 17 where the gunship crashes without exploding was featured prominently in one of the previews for HL2. Basically, they showed off the game's physics by having it crash at high speed into the mass of wrecked cars.
Mine is on x box so if it doesnt dun blame me... anyways it was a combine soldier... the Overwatch... one more thing... he floats
yeah, the pilot is actualy the first Overwatch soldier you come across.
BTW, on my first playthrough when the gunship crashed it landed in such a way so that its head hung down off the beams so I was actualy able to hit it with the crowbar a few time without going up the stairs.
ríomhaire said:
yeah, the pilot is actualy the first Overwatch soldier you come across.
BTW, on my first playthrough when the gunship crashed it landed in such a way so that its head hung down off the beams so I was actualy able to hit it with the crowbar a few time without going up the stairs.
Cool... thats the lighthouse one isnt it