Noobie question about FSB


Oct 3, 2003
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Hi, i'm not a comp noob, i've built many rigs from scratch on a self taught basis (that looks like it fits there sorta thing) but when it comes down to details im no expert. I have an amd xp 2800 and an asus a7n8x deluxe mobo, when i built the rig the cpu was reading as 2500 at startup, so i changed mem freq in bios to 166 (2 meaning FSB is 333 right?) and this read the cpu at the right speed. My question is, knowing that the fsb runs at 400 (mem freq at 200) should i run it at this speed, and will i see any performance increase? also if i do change it, are there any other bios settings that i need to fiddle (though most are on auto).... thanks a lot...
Your 2800+ runs at a FSB of 166mhz (333).
Overclocking will increase the tempurature so be careful.
If you put it to 200(400) then it may not run at the multiplyer it is set at because that is too high, 200*12.5=2500mhz.
But if you decrease the mutiplyer to 11.5 and have the FSB at 200 you can be at 3200+ speeds.
200*11=2200mhz (3200+). Some CPUs do not like to have their multiplyer changed manually so you may need to reset your cmos by switching the Cmos jumper and then put it back.
Doing anything like this is a risk beyond running at stock, know that.
thanks, that was the answer i was looking for! not planning on overclocking, i just wasn't sure which settings caused an overclock, thought fsb was one of em but wasnt sure. will leave as is, thanks again!
2500+ is 333
3000+ has a 333 and a 400 FSB model I believe
3200+ is 400 only me thinks