Nostalgia Critic


Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
To some, he is known as the 'that guy with the glasses', to others, he does those 5 sec movies, to me and a select few,




Nostalgia Critic!!1

He has created some memorable reviews such as the Cloverfield Review.

He waited in line for a Harry Potter book which he didn't want!

He waged war with the Angry Video Game Nerd.

He spoke the wizards most power word "California....."

He reviewed Batman and Robin.

Some call him the true I am Legend, but none see his true power as 'that guy with the glasses'

There is more to see, more to enjoy, welcome to his realm.
At first I was like Oooh but then I was like arghmmfmmphrrrmg.
:laugh: I loled especially at the batman and robin review
"So I say to you, Angry Videogame Nerd - if that is your real name -"

I lol'd.
The Batman & Robin review was totally lol. I must say though, despite his claims of Cloverfield being mediocre it seemed he actually liked it.
I loved his Cloverfield lost ending director's cut, made much more sense.
I don;t know if many of you have been keeping up.

But the Nostalgia Critic has created many more videos

There is "Ask ThatGuy"

currently 1 to 15 episodes (althought it says 12...)

The questions are quite amusing.

Bum reviews are quite popular too, reviewing many movies as humanly possible.

And good old NC has been going at pace.

Top 11 Catchiest Theme Songs

90's Sports Montage

Top 11 Drug PSAs

The Battle of Epic Proportions

Nerd Vs NC!!!!

Captain Planet

Double Dare

3 Ninjas

Top 11 Hottest Animated Women

and if you would like to watch the earlier stuff

The NC website has also been parthershiping itself with other reviewer, to keep the site fresh, SpoonyOne, Some other guy that reviews anime... & a French game reviewer too.
You don't need to post every video link here, hot564231.

The Batman & Robin review was teh lulz.
Well, I am a great fan of his, i made a 3d model of his bum character for pity sake :P

Part of me wants to go deeper into the rabbit hole. Part of me wishes you weren't calling me repeatedly only to breathe heavily into the phone.
the true this is hilarious

I saw the captain planet one and laughed a lot

and I liked captain planet when I was a kid......a I will start singing the song!

captain planet!

he is our heroe!

he gonna bring pollution down to zero!
You'll pay for this captain planet!

*shakes fist wildly in the air*
Stop posting all his videos as soon as their appear. It's getting annoying.
This is topic is like a perverted, obsessive shrine.
We are planetteers.
You can be one too
'cause savin' our planet is the thing TO DO
Looting and polluting
is not the way
hear what captain planet
has to SAY

The man does have a point.

Hey if people want me to stop posting zero punctuation then I will I never realised posting links annoyed people so much. You only had to ask.
Hey if people want me to stop posting zero punctuation then I will I never realised posting links annoyed people so much. You only had to ask.

I don't find it annoying, I don't want either of you stop posting links. I just want us all to be a family again! :(
Everybody needs to stop posting.

For like a month.
Hey if people want me to stop posting zero punctuation then I will I never realised posting links annoyed people so much. You only had to ask.

I don't want you to stop posting ZP, you misread my post altogether.

Edit: ok, right found out the question wasn't directed at me, but to be honest, your the only reason i keep track with ZP.
You told me frak all, what you gonna do, be a hissy bitch about it, I made a point earlier, complain, i won't listen,

I am updating the system,

keeping informative updates on latest releases,

keep the information transitory, keeping it flesh,

we are legion.