"not a valid win32 application"


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
i keep gettting this error when trying to run installation programs!! help!!

first thing i did was virus scan but it seems clean... hmm
i think its just ones using whatsitcalled? installshield

the only update available is "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1"
yeah, I think there was an update on the windowsupdate site
updated, same prob. no change :(

oh woe has become me!
what are some examples of the programs?
a game installation file.
powered by installshield
This sounds identical to a problem I had when I deleted msiexec.exe from my windows/system32 folder, thinking it was spyware. It was actually a file that windows requires for installation files to work. I fixed it by just getting a friend to mail me the file.

Have you been fiddling with windows files at all? Is msiexec.exe present and correct?

Even if that doesn't apply, maybe some way of validating your windows files would fix your problem.
yep its there! how would one go about doing that???
On second thoughts perhaps you can't validate windows files like I thought you might be able to. I did find this link - maybe updating the installshield engine will fix it.

Also check thoroughly for viruses. There is lots of talk about various worms causing this sort of error.
yeah i know, ive scanned. antivirus is up to date too. hmm how would you update the installshield engine?
neptuneuk said:
yeah i know, ive scanned. antivirus is up to date too. hmm how would you update the installshield engine?

click that link in my above post ^^^(in the text "this link") and follow the instructions on the page.