Not all older people are useless.....


Jul 26, 2005
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(KUTV) SALT LAKE CITY Monday's tragic events could have been much worse if it weren?t for a special customer inside a fast food restaurant.

Eric Fullerton may look small but he?s got a big heart and apparently some big muscles.

?I didn?t have time to think about being scared,? said Fullerton. ?I wrestled the gun from him. I took the gun from him.?

When Curtis Allgier jumped out of a Ford Explorer and into the Arby?s at 1700 south and Redwood Road Eric Fullerton didn?t flinch.

He didn?t know police suspected Allgier of killing a corrections officer.

He just knew he wasn?t going to let him kill anybody else.

?I just instinctively did what needed to be done. He was going to kill that guy, and I wasn?t going to let him kill him,? says Fullerton.

?Everybody?s calling me a hero,? Fullerton said. ?I?m not a hero; I just did what I had to do.?

The suspect, Curtis Allgier, is about three times bigger than Fullerton and he had a gun and a knife.

In fact Allgier actually cut Fullerton?s throat but that didn?t stop this Vietnam veteran from ending a deadly day.

?I can?t tell you how I did it or what I did,? Fullerton said. ?I don?t know if it was adrenaline or if I had a guardian angel watching over me. I have no idea.?

He says, ?I?m just glad the other guys alive and everybody got out safe.?



GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. ? Bill Barnes says he was scratching off a losing $2 lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants pocket, where he had $300 in cash.

He immediately grabbed the person's wrist with his left hand and started throwing punches with his right, landing six or seven blows before a store manager intervened.

"I guess he thought I was an easy mark," Barnes, 72, told The Grand Rapids Press for a story Tuesday.

He's anything but an easy mark: Barnes served in the Marines, was an accomplished Golden Gloves boxer and retired after 20 years as an iron worker.


Pretty schweet. The guy from Utah I believe was formerly in the Airborne division.

Dang whippershnappers
I could take 'em.


At the same time.

With my PENIS.


In all seriousness, that's pretty extreme.

P.S. Your sig is wrong, Uriel, it's nose, not eye (if you got it where I think you did..)
P.S. Your sig is wrong, Uriel, it's nose, not eye (if you got it where I think you did..)

No it's not from the longest yard, it's from a Pride fight between Crocop and Bob Sapp. Cool fight though, you should go watch it on youtube. Crocop broke Bob's orbital bone.
They are both awesome. :D

Whippersnappers always getting into trouble. They should know old military men will be there to stop them.
That'll be me when I'm 70. Not these useless ****ers walking around with two canes and walk about 1 foot a minute.

Here's the 2nd incident I mentioned.
Here's another

EL DORADO, Ark. ? An elderly man beaten unconscious by an assailant wielding a soda can later awoke and shot the man during an attempted robbery, police said.

Willie Lee Hill, 93, told police he saw the robber while in his bedroom Wednesday night. Hill confronted Douglas B. Williams Jr., 24, of El Dorado, who struck the elderly man at least 50 times, knocking him out, police said.

Hill, covered in blood from the attack, regained consciousness and pulled a .38-caliber handgun on Williams. Williams saw the gun and charged Hill, who fired one round, police said. The bullet struck Williams in the throat.

When police arrived, officers said Williams told them, "I can't feel my legs and I got what I deserved."

Holy shit, that old man is ****ing awesome.
Here's another


haha, that old man is the shit. How did he live to be hit 50 times? He's like f*cking Marv from Sin City.

That's how I imagined the entire story, black and white, dramatic, tough old dude standing up out of puddle of his own blood, dramatically firing rounds into some thief as revenge, slow mo blood squirting everwhere out of his throat