Not Another Graphics Card Thread


Mar 8, 2004
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0 looking at graphics cards..i either want a GAINWARD 6800GT golden sample or no nvidia...its that simple. Im payed tommorow and it isnt looking promising that gainwards will be out and my patience has run very very dry as ive been wanting a new graphics card since they got released (both ati and nvidia).

Now i was originally wanting a 9800PRO because i planned to upgrade gfx card and my HDD/Case all in the same month but thats not the case a new HDD and case ages ago. Now i can spend about £350 on a gfx card, i dont want to wait for the XT's to come out because of my patience but ive found a few shops online with X800 PRO's _IN STOCK!!!_, im not going to post a link or say what sites because im pretty sure they could quite easily sell out by tommorow when im payed and i want one and dont want to advertise them, yet :cheese:

2 shops have got MSI x800 PRO's in stock and one of them 2 shops also has Club3d X800 PRO's in stock (Who are Club3d? :| )

I even saw a shop with Sapphire X800 PRO's in stock, but that was last isnt the same now (sold out :( ). So, has anyone had a MSI gfx card or Club3d one? What are they like?. Im not an overclock freak when it comes to gfx cards...i just leave them as standard so if it isnt an overclock'able gfx card then that is ok. This is in UK btw just for anyone in UK looking for them atm...ill give you a link tommorow after my order goes through (hopefully).
No 6800's out at the moment mate. Been that way for about a month and a bit since paper launch.

In the UK i would deffo go for they actually do have the card in stock. The others you might have seen have said "in stock" but they usually don't and it's just a ploy to get pre orders by offering them a little cheaper aswell.
Yeah...bleh ill just say what site it is :p it is that has the club3d and msi x800 pro's in stock...

I normally use (note the name difference :p ) for my orders...but ive just stumbled upon another site (one that ive used previously to order things, great customer service) that has 15 sapphire x800 pro's in stock...i just hope that they dont all go by tommorow when im payed :( i would much rather a sapphire than a msi or club3d just because ive heard of sapphire alot more.

Im gunna sit at my pc till 12'o'clock tonight refreshing the page closely watching the 'stock' number :hmph:
Lol just be wary other places say they have x800's but it's just a ploy to get pre orders.

My advice mate is to call them up and ask.
Well its a pretty massive reputable online shop...and the stock number has gone down one already ;(

Its, its worldwide and theres 34 reviews by people that have already bought one so im quite confident they are'nt lying to get pre-orders :) Im getting closer and closer to asking my mum if i can borrow her credit card so i can order it now while they still have them, but....i can sit at my pc and think *ok im gunna go down, ask her and come back up and order it* but soon as i go down everything goes right out the window and i end up coming back up without a credit card. Im not payed till the morning :(