Not so happy thanks giving for my family :(


May 20, 2004
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A few of you may remember my post the day before hl2 came out, my grandmother was hit by a bad driver. Last monday, a man in a chevy silverado ran a red light and broadsided my 83 year old grandmother's driver side door full speed at 40mph. A police officer witnessed the crash. She suffered a broken pelvis, broken ribs, lacerated liver, collapsed lung and severe brain trauma. The man who did this was not hurt. She was in critical condition for 10 days, but passed today, there wasn't ever much hope for recovery. She was a rare 83 year old. still very active, full of life, going out on trips and adventures - still sharp as ever mentally. I still can't believe she is gone, that i'll never see her again. we were supposed to be going to her house like always for thx giving and xmas. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, when she was laying there in the hospital i felt guilt for going about my normal life while she was struggling in pain there, and now that she is gone I don't know how holidays can be joyus again. I'll try my best to live like normal, because that's what she'd want. When you have a relative that age, you know they won't be around forever, but you're still never ready for it, not when they are in perfect health. Goodbye, Oma.

R.I.P Martha Froleich 2-20-1921 - 11-23-2004
Really sad to hear that. I'm sorry. Hope you are alright.
I hope when that guy dies he is forced by God to watch his mistake over at least once, just so he realizes what he did. :( Aside from that I hope things still go smoothly for you over the holidays. Just keep remembering that she's probably just as happy now as she was living.
it was at 6:45am. he wasn't drunk. he either ran in on purpose, or he claims he thought it was still green. but there was a police officer right behind him who witnessed everything. recommended manslaughter charges. we're probably gonna sue him or his insurance.
Please sue for the $$$ in addition to any criminal charges he faces.

And God Bless, may she R.I.P.
My grandfather was hit by a drunk drive in front of my dad's eyes. While it didn't kill him, the accident increased the severity of his already very prevelent health problems and he died around eight years ago after undergoing surgery that should have extended his life.

I barely knew him.

Oh, and on a slightly more light hearted note I see you call you grandmother Oma as well and were just as close to her as I am to my own Oma. Sorry for your loss.
Rocketman9mm said:
it was at 6:45am. he wasn't drunk. he either ran in on purpose, or he claims he thought it was still green. but there was a police officer right behind him who witnessed everything. recommended manslaughter charges. we're probably gonna sue him or his insurance.
sorry to hear about the loss but a member of you're family has just been killed and you're thinkin about how much money you can get from it!?!
Sorry to hear that, at least try to have a happy thanksgiving today.
All because some asshole didn't wanna wait a few seconds for a red light ;(

Very sorry to hear that, you have my condolences :(
Don't make assumptions based on a lack of evidence. There could be any number of reasons why he missed that red light. If the guy has any morals, he will suffer from this for the rest of his life.

Sorry for your loss, but money won't make it better.
Moved to off-topic, dont mean to sound insensitive but this hasn't got much to do with HL2.
well there is potential criminal charges that arent in our hands. I'm not a particularly vengefull person. Her daughers (my mom and aunt) are the ones hit the most, who want something back from someone. but They are the ones who had to watch my grandmother suffer for 10 days of pain. I only got to see her twice after the incident. and While i don't know why he ran the light, there are NO excuses.
Parrot of doom said:
Don't make assumptions based on a lack of evidence. There could be any number of reasons why he missed that red light. If the guy has any morals, he will suffer from this for the rest of his life.

Sorry for your loss, but money won't make it better.

Yes, I don't know about your grandmother's case, but once, I was going to school when a taxi driver ran over a guy riding a bike and killed him. And the guy was heading over to his daughter's school to pick her up, and his wife was pregnant. But anyways, I saw the aftermath, and as I passed by the taxi driver, I could see how extremely bad he seemed to feel. I feel sad for the death of the guy, but I also felt really sorry for the taxi driver. I mean, imagine, accidentally killing someone. That must be pretty horrible for the "killer" in question.
I'm sorry to hear that mate. I know exactly what it feels like to loose someone very close to you. But as others have said, try to just get on with your life. There is nothing to gain by feeling too sad.

Just remember what a good life she led and what a wonderfull person she was. It helps. Alot. :)

The_Great_Walter said:
Yes, I don't know about your grandmother's case, but once, I was going to school when a taxi driver ran over a guy riding a bike and killed him. And the guy was heading over to his daughter's school to pick her up, and his wife was pregnant. But anyways, I saw the aftermath, and as I passed by the taxi driver, I could see how extremely bad he seemed to feel. I feel sad for the death of the guy, but I also felt really sorry for the taxi driver. I mean, imagine, accidentally killing someone. That must be pretty horrible for the "killer" in question.

Yeah, my dad was hit by a taxi driver and died a day later in hospital (neither drunk... not speeding nothing.. just unlucky) and I felt very sorry for the driver. It must have been pretty distressing.
Rocketman9mm said:
it was at 6:45am. he wasn't drunk. he either ran in on purpose, or he claims he thought it was still green. but there was a police officer right behind him who witnessed everything. recommended manslaughter charges. we're probably gonna sue him or his insurance.

Ahh, suing the insurance, that must be stage five of the grieving process.
Regardless of what you think about suing someone after an accident, try not to be so insensitve.
Everyone involved is this has my sympathy, and is a poor, unlucky bugger to be in this situation in the first place.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Just remember what a good life she led and what a wonderfull person she was. It helps. Alot. :)

Thats good advice, i lost my beloved grandmother earlier this year to cancer. I still miss her now and i will for the rest of my life, she was so great, but im glad she doesnt have to suffer the trauma of getting old, being in a home, losing physical and mental strength as the years roll by, she's somewhere living it up in a cocktail bar in heaven now ;)
Sounds very suspisious to me. Are people attacking your family or something? Watch yourself.

I hope you dont sue though, how is money going to help the problem. Justice will be done by the police.
Justice cannot be served by anyone...No one can repay the value of a life, not even the killer be he willing.
If it was an accident (which is probably wasnt by the sound of it) then justice doesnt need to be harsh, justice doesnt mean repaying life it is not revenge it is a system to prevent further incidents and to keep the criminal temporarily away from the public (and to try and make them into a person that can intergrate into society). But sueing someone is a contradiction, it just cashes in on someone dieing.
My thanksgivings and holidays always suck. Just get used to it, trust me, it'll hardly bother ya as you grow older.