Note to Devs: More Space Strategy Games Please!


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I've loved space strategy games such as Ascendency, Imperium Galatica II and Haegemonia. However I can't believe that many Developers are not looking towards this genre for inspiration.

Does anybody know who owns the licence for Imperium Galatica and Haegemonia? Because I pretty sure the original developers have closed down.

As for Ascendency II, which can be found here, will take some time due to the small devlopment team, and I'll try my best to wait patiently.

The only game that I will be playing is a text-based strategy game called OGame, but its simply not enough

Are there anybody on this forum who is waiting for a particular space game?

And who can recommend any games? Abandonware as well
I guess you've tried Homeworld 2? I liked the demo but I never got the full game.

You could also try Alpha Centauri which is essentially Civ in space.
StardogChampion said:
I guess you've tried Homeworld 2? I liked the demo but I never got the full game.

You could also try Alpha Centauri which is essentially Civ in space.

Tried both, but prefer space empire building. Haegemonia was an okay space empire building game, but I was sure they held back.

Ascendency was basicly a CIV of space empire games. OGAme, which I'm playing now, is the closest thing to matching it, but doesn't come close

Another good game was Fragile Allegiance, that was one the games that actually use inter-planatary missiles, and was simple to use. I urge you if you have dosbox installed, download this game from abandonware
Yeah Fragile Allegiance rocked, I want a friggin' remake of that.:\

Why is that almost all the games I like never get sequels or their devs shut down..
omg, you mean other people have heard and played fragile allegiance? :O

I got it free with another game i bought from gameplay, needless to say i can't remember that game, but FA rocked :D
Ascendency was unique in the way it handled turn based strategy. Instead of player turns, it used a clock instead. Whenever you wanted to move your fleet, go to research tree, or build up your colony, you just simply had to stop the clock. Once you restarted the clock, construction, research and ship movement would occur automatically. This was a fine method as this was a single-player game.

The sequel is a multiplayer only game, so maybe this time it will be like OGame, where all players do things simultaneously in realtime
i'm waiting for x3, sequel to x2: the threat.

death, have you ever tried nexus: the jupiter incident ?
Isn't there a new Galactic Civilization coming out pretty soon. I heard that one is supposed to be decent.
destrukt said:
i'm waiting for x3, sequel to x2: the threat.

death, have you ever tried nexus: the jupiter incident ?

I'm waiting for X3, but I'm not sure if I should get it, X2 was far too slow for my liking, and you wouldn't get much use out of it unless you had a joystick.

Yeah, The Jupiter Incident Kicked Ass

Fishlore said:
Isn't there a new Galactic Civilization coming out pretty soon. I heard that one is supposed to be decent.

I believe there is, and there is also another game (Now that I think about it) called sword of the stars, which will be coming out as well
I reccommended the Space Empires series, not the most beautiful of graphics (there 2d) but the gameplay is beautiful. it's a turn based strategy game where you start out as a small empire and the usual. you can build your ships the way you want, long ranged fast missile boats or slow armored beasts.

theres a 100 turn demo for the latest released game in the Space empires series. (under the SE:IV tab under demo download section)
It's a shame that the bottom has fallen out of this particular market... I guess it's the simple equation of "Hardcore Science Fiction Setting + Strategy Gaming = No Mainstream Appeal"... Especially when your particular preference lies in Empire building, which to me seems even more niche than my personal love of Homeworld type games, when are pretty light on the strategy side (they're just C&C type games with 3D movement, and C&C style games are Strategy Mainstream). I never got the impression that those games you mention sold particuarly well (despite good reviews from what I remember). That's just the shameful state of the industry etc. etc....

And Homeworld 2 sucked quite a bit. Just thought I'd say :)
Heh Asendency rocked. The two races I tended to be were the eight-legged uber researchers (Special Ability was to finish current research in one day) and the other borg style alien invader group (Which had the ability to always hostily take over a planet no matter how many landing craft were used.
Venmoch said:
Heh Asendency rocked. The two races I tended to be were the eight-legged uber researchers (Special Ability was to finish current research in one day) and the other borg style alien invader group (Which had the ability to always hostily take over a planet no matter how many landing craft were used.

I tended to play the aliens who had the ability to turn Habitable (White) or Unhabitable (Black) into production increasing squares (Green, Red or Blue). Problem is you had to activate their special ability, unfortunately it would happen on one planet per activation, and you would have to wait longer after each activation

I'm playing the Orfa who can build on on any square including the unhabitable squares, good thing about their ability is that it is passive.

You can still play Ascendency on XP (good for a game made in 1996), and it doesn't require Dosbox
Well, there is Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, but that doesn't have ground soldiers and I'm not a big fan of non projectile weapons.
The Halogen mod for Command and Conquer Generals plans on recreating HALO into an rts. Even though Im not a big of fan of the game as I was along time ago, it looks fun and wont take too much longer, seeing as how most of the work for the UNSC is done.
Lemonking said:
MAsters Of Orion3?

Theres too many stats, luckily Ogame is not that difficult to get into, especially for a web browser game. I've seen worst web browser games, One which has been toted "Web Browser Game of the year" by PCGAMER US, I logged off after 3 minutes.