Nothing but the crosshair and menus show up



I have the same problem, but my copy is legal and I'm trying to run simple map I made with Hammer. The crosshairs show up in a black screen. Nothing else appears on the screen except menus. The console spits this out:

Game.dll loaded for "Half-Life 2"
Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface.
Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface.
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 5129 sounds
CResponseSystem: scripts/talker/response_rules.txt (217 rules, 214 criteria, and 208 responses)
maxplayers set to 1
Heap: 256.00 Mb
Parsed 23 text messages
Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface.
Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface.
Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface.
execing config.cfg
cc_lang =
Sound Initialization
Set primary sound buffer format: yes
Using secondary sound buffer
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
44100 samples/sec
DirectSound initialized
Sound sampling rate: 44100
2 CPUs (1 physical), Frequency: 3.1 Ghz, Features: GenuineIntel SSE SSE2 MMX RDTSC CMOV FCMOV
execing valve.rc
Spawn Server New_map
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
execing skill.cfg
Invalid file size for motd.txt
CInstancedSceneResourceManager: 1096 .vcds total 1.26 Mb, 59.93 % of capacity
Created class baseline: 4 classes, 644 bytes.
Game started

Half-Life 2
Map: New_map
Players: 1 / 1
Build 2707
Server Number 1
Initializing renderer...
Signon traffic "CLIENT": incoming 30.904 Kb, outgoing 759 bytes
Node Graph out of Date. Rebuilding...

Any and all help is appreciated.
Holy necrophillia. I'd have just made a new thread dude. Most people will read the first page being about warez copies, and move on.
Split the posts from the thread "Node graph out of date - rebuilding" to the Custom Mapping forums.

As you didn't mention any problems with Half-Life 2 single player, I'd assume it's an issue with your map.
Does your map have lights in it?

Otherwise, I'd say that this looks like it could be a problem:

"Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface"

Seems like something in your install is out of date. Try updating everything.

-Angry Lawyer
Does your map have lights in it?

Otherwise, I'd say that this looks like it could be a problem:

"Warning! Game event listener registerd for all events. Use newer game event interface"

Seems like something in your install is out of date. Try updating everything.

-Angry Lawyer

absence of light can turn the map to full bright by default. dont they???