Nothing really important but...


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
it was important enough to post on planethalflife

"A lot of people have been writing in to say they have seen these boxes in various retail outlets all over the UK. Most people are taking it as a good sign that Half-Life 2 "D-day" is now just a matter of time".

I recken thats a good sign. :D
I remember seeing those pre-order boxes on the shelf of my local EB Games last June. Nothing new to me.
Moejoe said:
it doesn't mean anything, i'm sure...

yeah.. they are no big deal.
a big deal would be something like a cofirmation from Valve saying "HL2 as gone gold"
Sushi said:
I remember seeing those pre-order boxes on the shelf of my local EB Games last June. Nothing new to me.

I HAVE one of the EB boxes from last June.

Aint it pretty???

I keep it on my I can look at it and sob whenever I want!


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gabe just said August, why the hell would we have it now? Merc just went to Valve! I don't think it's anything to worry about...sadly ;(
they deliver the game to sierra in august....maybe i can play the game in september
I was kind of hoping it would be released in late July- early August, that way I would have been able to play it during my holidays ;(
But hey, i reckon its gonna be 100% worth the wait. They are polishing the game to make it uber-tastic. Plus theyre probably workin on porting the mods to source. Maybe even something on TF2 :heheh: