NOTICE: the clipping problem in the current CT model is not fixed in the next!


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score

If you look closely (I tired to circle it), you see the butt of the M4 is clipping through the chest part of the CT model.
It's not clipping, it's interpenetration. It's also probably the least noticable instance of interpenetration ever seen on a computer monitor. Clipping is where the z-buffer messes up, and you'll rarely see that ever.

Until all animations are procedural you'll see this problem in all games in far worse places than this, and trust me there are far more pressing issues with the source engine that need to be addressed before this one.
Are they ever going to fix that "interpenetration" problem where ragdolls clip through glass and cars? This is annoying an especially noticable in maps like "glassfloor".
Oh my God! Thanks goodness you pointed this out.

Think I'd better ask for a refund, or maybe write to Watchdog!
Roper said:
Oh my God! Thanks goodness you pointed this out.

Think I'd better ask for a refund, or maybe write to Watchdog!

I'm getting on the phone to Valve pronto! :LOL:
I'm gonna go and kill VALVe now, I mean this is the worste problem to arrise ANYWHERE. In no other game has this ever happened. Stupid VALVe

I bet the pirated version has this fixed already!
Roper said:
Think I'd better ask for a refund, or maybe write to Watchdog!
You bet. This is a consumer complaint of Anne Robinson proportions.
in holland we have an expression that goes like: Your such a ant****er...!
Just look ho nice the model is... don't hold it onder a microscope lookin' for mistakes LOL
No, it's not a big deal, it's just a concern.

To me, it was clipping, and it looked like clipping to me. Plus, who knows what it might loko like in-game. You're only looking at one angle, not a 3D full-view image. Who knows, he might do an animation and the "clipping" gets further pronouced.

It was just a concern that I had, and there's no need to reply in a sarcastic output.
Q_onfused said:
It was just a concern that I had, and there's no need to reply in a sarcastic output.

Yes there was, the concern won't make you not able to play the game. Its not like you will see it playing the game unless you and your team mates camp a spot for 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

The CT model currently has the entire sholder going through the arm, this one has the slightest part of the buttstock going through it, thats the animation's fault, not the new model.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yes there was, the concern won't make you not able to play the game. Its not like you will see it playing the game unless you and your team mates camp a spot for 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

That's not the point. You can draw the 'you won't notice it' line anywhere. Yes it's a problem, no I don't think it's an immediately pressing one, compared to the source engine's other far more terrible graphical shortcomings. Say it's insignificant all you want, but don't deny it.
Combatting that problem is extremely difficult given the limitations of todays hardware.

You'd need code that detects per-pixel clashes and if there are clashes the pixels will move away from eachother so it reacts like real cloth/objects. It's a huge drain on the cpu.

In a few more years it probably won't be a huge problem but i can't think of any game on the market right now that doesn't have this problem. Brothers in Arms was probably some of the worst i've ever seen.

Complaining about it is futile given the situation.
It's all good though, in a few years that will be a very big deal. Everything seems perfect now, but with ppl like that it can only get better.