Now, I'm no entomologist, but...


Oct 16, 2004
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Are ladybugs supposed to swarm? Here's the reason: I come home from doing some laundry today at about 1 in the afternoon, and there's easily 200 ladybugs outside my apartment. Everyone knows ladybugs don't bite, but they were flying into my hair and my face (and I think I heard some anti-semitic statements, too). So I rush the door open and close it, and there's about 50 MORE ladybugs inside my apartment! AHHHH!
Were having the same problem here...theyre EVERYWHERE! :flame:
Oops...forgot. I heard they're swarming because they're looking for places to hibernate for the winter. They swarm to bright areas and indoors.
Well, that explains it...grrr. My apartment building is plantation white.
Its the invasion! Run!

thats weird man

EDIT: Can of flyspray + gasmask + lighter = ladybug inferno!
Thats so neat.. i haven't seen a lady bug in ages.
Catch a few and mail em to me...
bliink said:
Its the invasion! Run!

thats weird man

EDIT: Can of flyspray + gasmask + lighter = ladybug inferno!

Killing ladybugs is evil...and with fire?!? :O

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Are ladybugs supposed to swarm? Here's the reason: I come home from doing some laundry today at about 1 in the afternoon, and there's easily 200 ladybugs outside my apartment. Everyone knows ladybugs don't bite, but they were flying into my hair and my face (and I think I heard some anti-semitic statements, too). So I rush the door open and close it, and there's about 50 MORE ladybugs inside my apartment! AHHHH!
I remember when the UK had that.. wasn't fun.
qckbeam said:
Killing ladybugs is evil...and with fire?!? :O


The imu told me the ladybugs had to burn... I can't disobey the imu! :imu:
Had another hundred or so invade my roommate got my little vacuum cleaner and sucked a bunch of them up. Hopefully this will be over soon...*sigh*...they're not the cute red ones, either...they're the ugly yellow ones.
You know lady bugs can release a very bad odor if they feel threatened I read about this when I was a kid and I was fascinated for somereason... I may be wrong imagination may have goten th ebest of me
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Had another hundred or so invade my roommate got my little vacuum cleaner and sucked a bunch of them up. Hopefully this will be over soon...*sigh*...they're not the cute red ones, either...they're the ugly yellow ones.

oh.. those damn yellow ones! i hate them so much!! :LOL:
bliink said:
oh.. those damn yellow ones! i hate them so much!! :LOL:
If only there were green ladybugs...then they'd be a welcome addtion to my home...and they'd match my couch!
maybe they have weapons of mass destruction. preemptive strike!
there could be man bugs in your house, and the lady bugs are hookers :naughty: :hmph:
look closely at them. if they are a dark orange with random spots, those aren't ladybugs, they're a type of japanese beetle. this being winter, its the perfect time for them to discover the great indoors! if they are the beetles i'm thinking of (they infest my grandparents house) they'll be attracted to heat: this means crawling up on the ceiling to get more hot air, and grouping around in the pools of light cast by lamps/whatever.

the only way i know of to get rid of them- and its not a fool-proof way- is to caulk around the edges of your walls so they have no place to get through. if you want to do a thorough job this means taking up the carpet and caulking around the floorboards where the carpet is tacked in at the edges. the next thing to do would be to keep RAID handy at all times for the next few weeks so you could toast the little buggers whenever you see them. this method hasn't been tried, i don't know how it would work, but it theoretically SHOULD work.
Choscura said:
look closely at them. if they are a dark orange with random spots, those aren't ladybugs, they're a type of japanese beetle. this being winter, its the perfect time for them to discover the great indoors! if they are the beetles i'm thinking of (they infest my grandparents house) they'll be attracted to heat: this means crawling up on the ceiling to get more hot air, and grouping around in the pools of light cast by lamps/whatever.

the only way i know of to get rid of them- and its not a fool-proof way- is to caulk around the edges of your walls so they have no place to get through. if you want to do a thorough job this means taking up the carpet and caulking around the floorboards where the carpet is tacked in at the edges. the next thing to do would be to keep RAID handy at all times for the next few weeks so you could toast the little buggers whenever you see them. this method hasn't been tried, i don't know how it would work, but it theoretically SHOULD work.
We learn something new everyday...
Simple solution if you are determined to kill them. Get a can of raid. Open all internal doors in your apartment, close all windows. Get your can of raid, duct tape the button down and chuck it into the room CS smoke stlyee. Close front door and go down the cinema. Watch a film and come back. Hold breath, open all windows, grab a slab of beer and sit out the front of your house for an hour or two.

Go back in and collect all the dead ladybirds with a dust buster. Job done.
Isn't there any way to get rid of them without killing them.
Grey Fox said:
Isn't there any way to get rid of them without killing them.
Well, I tried reasoning with them, but they refused to respond to my pleas...
Don't negotiate with insects. Or is that terrorist?

I'm imagining you as this weird figure covered in insects, communing with the hive mind... ;)
Sulkdodds said:
Don't negotiate with insects. Or is that terrorist?

I'm imagining you as this weird figure covered in insects, communing with the hive mind... ;)
Yes, come to me, my babies. They laughed at us, squashed us, squished us, swatted us. But now we'll show them. Go, my babies! Show them what we're made of!
we've had those, they are cross breeding with biting japanese beetles and coming migrating in mass numbers to the U.S. my shrink says it's the peach farmers who put them there to get the aphids.
Right. Since they're birds and all. Ya'll might have invented the language, but we perfected it.

Fries > chips
I hate to resurrect such an old thread, but one of the ****ers just flew onto my monitor. It's 11:45 at night and it spooked the bejeezus out of me. Gaaaaa! I hate ladybugs.
See if it runs away from your mouse cursor. A fly did that once.