Now that's just wrong...........

Ummmm i want to laugh but I dont think that they should have made the hulk toy have flop dinger! but what the heck Im going to say it LOL!
" I find it very odd as none of her other dolls have anything like this."

well thats strange... and what about all those dolls that have usable ones !!!! and they are designed for kids to see...
Yeah i heard about this. Its mad how something like that was made. I mean it doesnt even look like the Hulk. Ahhh Obvious joke alert!)
lol, i just noticed: when you go to the link there is a popup coming for "the sun online shop" and there is... a hulk doll :)

Not the same apparently this one has been castrated (Sp ?) :bounce:
Yeah, okay. As if the movie wasn't traumatizing enough in itself (my god, I paid $36 to see it. Note to self: Don't pay for friends when you're seeing a crappy movie), I have to be exposed (heh, interesting choice of words, don't ya think?!) to this? Dear god...

Dear God why?

Interesting, in the movie there seems to be no such lump. I think it disappears or something when he gets mad. Or maybe the Hulk is a she.
Its not fake, the chick is sueing, i heard about it on Jay Leno too.
Originally posted by Draklyne
Dear God why?

Interesting, in the movie there seems to be no such lump. I think it disappears or something when he gets mad. Or maybe the Hulk is a she.

Perhaps it doesnt grow with the rest of him and because of the hulks size its un-noticable.
Originally posted by SpuD
Its not fake, the chick is sueing, i heard about it on Jay Leno too.

Hmm, The Sun's not exactly well renowned for telling the truth...
Thats why i thought it was fake (if you look on the first page) but then i heard about it on the news and Jay Leno