Now you can drink your own Recycled Piss, In space.


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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Long read, sum up-


HOUSTON -- NASA's Mission Control gave the Expedition 19 astronaut
crew aboard the International Space Station a "go" to drink water
that the station's new recycling system has purified.

This is an important milestone in the development of the space
station," said Kirk Shireman, International Space Station deputy
program manager at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "This
system will reduce the amount of water we must launch to the station
once the shuttle retires and also test out a key technology required
for sending humans on long duration missions to the moon and Mars."
I heard they were doing this but had no clue it would happen so soon! Also don't we do this everyday??
I heard they were doing this but had no clue it would happen so soon! Also don't we do this everyday??
I would imagine it's rather difficult to lift an entire ecosystem into orbit :p
Wait... you have to recycle it first?

Uh oh...
I would imagine it's rather difficult to lift an entire ecosystem into orbit :p

silly romulans do that every century or so.

no man i meant we drink recycled shit every day. we could turn puke into water, shit into wine
I've got a really bad case of Space Cock, Spock.

I'll have an ice cold Space Piss TM
now i can finally kick back and relax, a cheeseburger in a can in one hand and
a glass of recycled piss in the other.
So... can you recycle already recycled piss, and drink it? This is not a question one can safely guess.
Recycling it for years, or drinking piss for years?

(a question I rarely ask)
Hell, I can recycle my own piss. I just need to be outside on a hot day with a cup and some plastic wrap...
Well, they are right though - so long as you don't have a urinary tract infection urine is sterile. And the composition of urine is water, urea, salts, and some other organic compounds; just filter out the wastes and all you've got is sterile water.

I still wouldn't do it; maybe it comes from the fact that we've all been socially conditioned to treat urine like poop and not touch it because it's supposedly unclean.
I still wouldn't do it; maybe it comes from the fact that we've all been socially conditioned to treat urine like poop and not touch it because it's supposedly unclean.

Well, you can die if you drink it, so yeah.

It needs to be filtered.
Well, you can die if you drink it, so yeah.

It needs to be filtered.

If you drink enough of it and if it's the only thing you drink - as far as I know it's not outright toxic; it'll just give your kidneys a hard time since all you're drinking is waste that your kidneys are gonna filter out already.
I've heard that people have died from it, but it's probably rare. I was trying to find some information about it. I'm really thirsty.

I'm not sure how long people can go without water, but in an emergency, you could probably extend your life for a couple days rather than die of dehydration.

But I would drink it straight away and not let bacteria start going to town in it.

If you were severely dehydrated, you wouldn't have much urine though.
I've heard that people have died from it, but it's probably rare. I was trying to find some information about it. I'm really thirsty.

I'm not sure how long people can go without water, but in an emergency, you could probably extend your life for a couple days rather than die of dehydration.

But I would drink it straight away and not let bacteria start going to town in it.

its nice to know this, but I'd try just about all the alternatives before i do that... like scratching at hard clay just to get to water before i drank my own pee
Piss is fine the first time through you, after that, it starts to get bad.

I'd love to drink my own recycled piss in space! Where do I sign up?