NP Refinery: beta 5



Hi - for those interested here's beta 5 of NP Refinery...


Changes in beta 5...

- Numerous brushwork and prop performance optimisations.
- Removed a ladder from each of the side towers.
- Moved the crossbow from a side tower to the middle tower.
- Moved the magnum from a side tower to the yard below.
- Moved 2 grenades from the middle tower to where the crossbow and magnum where previously located.
- Removed rubble prop and broken ceiling near the ruined staircase.
- Added playerclips to the staircases so movement is smoother (as if traversing a ramp).
- Moved the Combine machine gun grenade near the tall water tank to the metal sheet roofing just above.
- Added a small sheet metal roof in one of the yards. Moved a HEV battery from the floor below to on top of the roof, and moved a nearby barrel underneath.
- Increased strength of Sun ambience by a third. Shadows outside now aren't as dark (though there's still plenty of contrast).
- Reduced the fog density by around a quarter.
- Added a healthkit to the generator room beside an existing healthkit.
- Added pistol ammo to a corridor near petrol tank room.

A lot of these changes are to help move some of the action from the towers to the yards below and the interiors.

Also, here is the new beta of the escort teamplay version of NP Refinery.

Basically the Escort gametype involves the Combine team taking power cells from A to B while the Rebel team have to destroy said power cells.

Changes in beta 2...(all of the above dm_np_refinery_b5 changes and also)...

- Added more detailing to the Combine starting position.
- Fixed some minor bugs with the escort scenario entities.
- Doubled the strength of the power cell.

Comments & suggestions on either beta are welcome.
looks nice dude... lighting look sweet.
i'll have to try that one out :D
Looks really good. I appreciate your attention to detail.

Keep up the good work.

-Tango Charlie