Nuclear Holocaust


Aug 3, 2003
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Okay, most of mankind turns into George Bush wannabes, and the world is almost 100% destroyed in a nuclear war. There are only 10,000 humans left scattered across the globe. Most natural areas (mountains, forests, deserts, ocean) are still around, and the dust clouds luckily concentrate around the blast zones, or dissipate over the ocean in rainclouds. You have survived, and there's only a few people in your city. You have no food or water. You only have the sneaking suspicion that there are other survivers near you.

What would you do? :|

And please, mostly serious answers.

I have no idea what I would do.
Locate shelter, food/water and basic supplys (medical and what not), maybe find some generators and some gas (assuming that the power is gone) locate some firearms for hunting/protection err basically the standard "to do list" of apocalyptic occurences :)
I read this book in high school and it was pretty cool. It was like a nuclear war storie, but it was about how the people survived afterwards. Like getting food and dealing with theves. It was writen around the 60's I think. It was a good book.

I'd have to say I'd to the same stuff as Damaged. Exept mabie leave. I live a little too close to LA for comfort. (a couple hundred miles is too close)
There is a really simple answer to what you would do:


And thats it. Of course, its always 'try' to survive. And if one wants to get picky, it depends on the situation after the holocaust. What exactly is gone? If 10,000 people are left, it means that basicly the entire globe is covered in radioactive dust. Where would you go? You survived because the radiation isnt in your area. You couldnt move away from it, you have no way of knowing which areas could be lethal. How big chance is there your water is still uncontaminated? Rivers run a long way, if you are at an end of it, your probably dead. Etc etc...

If it was me, I would ignore that (hey, if I die I die, its like 90% chance I will die within the next hour anyway) and find the nearest military base. Shelters and lots of food. Especially nice if you are in the US and could locate such places as Norad or Area 51 (no, I'm not talking aliens, I'm talking logic, there should be a massive underground base there, safe from radiation). Problem is if those facilites are destroyed (most likely), you have no way of getting in, hehe.
head for the hills!

the longer you remain in a large urban area with no electricity and no replinishable food means the greater chance of you being killed by other survivors wanting food.
1. Look around
2. Have a panic attack
3. Break down
4. Go into a fetal position and rock back and forth.

then i'd probably go look for food, shelter, water, and other survivors.
If only 10,000 humans survived in the entire world, that means they are already in a very save place. Either in an underground shelter, on a remote island or in an area surrounded by mountains. Or in the international spacestation. Heh.
stand on a hill and shout "I'm king of the world!"

ok good answear is survive, like in hatchet, and day by day try and make contact with the other survivors. Then form a village, then i'd be leader, then i'd go on quests to do stuff and along the way i'd have a wife and two children and i'd watch them grow up into fine warriors.

oh, no stupid answears... well it isn't that stupid. apart from the warrior thing, but seriosly i'd form a village of surviving people and live in it, simple. actually it'd be like the re-birth of the human race.
In reality if there was a full scale nuclear war not a single human would survive. Whilst the original detonations would kill hundreds of millions its the nuclear winter afterwards that would kill virtually all life on the planet due to the sun not bieng able to penetrate the dust ridden atmosphere for decades....

What would i do? Find a half decent looking girl and say 'well looks like we're screwed so why not just screw until we're dead?'
Originally posted by |MaTT|
What would i do? Find a half decent looking girl and say 'well looks like we're screwed so why not just screw until we're dead?'

Worry about HL2 being delayed again.
Seriously I would just surive, no-one can say what exactly they will do, it just depends on the precise surroundings to what would happen.
i would head to the nearest bookstore and see if they have any of those 'survival'-type books left, cuz i don't know jack, nor do i know sh!t about any of that.
It's an item from Fallout, or was it 2, 2 I think, anyways it's umm... Hell I can't even remember anymore, (some.thing) Creation Kit.
Anyways it's kit that creates a new livable place to post nuclear world.
sounds like global ecology creation kit
am i right?

that sounds awesome btw

kindof like the titan a.e.
i really liked that movie
No it was more like The Mysterious Eden's(sp?) Garden Creation Kit. :P
An legend the player is hunting, though I never finished the game so I have no idea what it actually was.
i would go see if the playboy mansion was still there with girls intact. i would then start a civilization off this.
I'd try to establish contact with them, if possible, then set up a rendezvous point. Once we meet at the rendezvous, we kill them and eat them; Now my city survives. :)
Faravid was almost right ;) Garden of Eden Creation Kit hehe.