Nude Barbie Photos Are Free Speech

"The artist had argued that the photo series, which also included a photo of Barbie dolls wrapped in tortillas and covered in salsa in a casserole dish in a lit oven, was meant to critique the "objectification of women" and "beauty myth" associated with the popular doll."

ok... seriously... wtf? Those artsy people can be a little to bizarre sometimes.
lol, now whats funnier the story or this "The artist had argued that the photo series, which also included a photo of Barbie dolls wrapped in tortillas and covered in salsa in a casserole dish in a lit oven, was meant to critique the "objectification of women" and "beauty myth" associated with the popular doll."

EDIT: too late
you think thats strange, a while ago an artist had pictures of Mary soaked in urine for some reason or another...
I'm an artist!

My avatar represents the eternal struggle between the naturally repressed nurturing side of man and the "kill kill thingies must die" side of man. What this represents in a world persepctive is that we must look beyond violence as a solution and look more towards paying me money.
lol good one fizzle, thats how artists rap up their "work" all the time and give this long detailed right up on a painting thats of a blue circle with a green square or some pointless sh!t that a 2 year old could draw.
Pffft. I think that's FUNNY. Barbie's are awful and Mattel or whoever pimps Barbie should just get over themselves rather than suing/putting an injunction on this person - it'll only publicise them more which is surely the opposite of the effect they wish to acheive? Besides, haven't they seen all the "Barbie is a slut" t-shirts?

I planned on doing "Adult" Barbies ages ago. Gimp Barbie, Car-Crash Ken... You get the picture
I really think that the "whack-something-together-and-call-it-art" artists are pathetically funny.