nude skins


Dec 10, 2005
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I notice that ALREADY there are nude skins for the characters in SIN. i just wanted to start a discussion about these skins in general. why do people feel the need? beyond the obvious i mean, seriously, isn't it easier to just look at porn?

i think there's an alyx one too.
i wasn't going to, i want this thread to be open. it's on youtube if you really want it. so what do you think?
Watching a pornmovie on a computer... it's pixels.
Watching a videogame character on a computer... it's pixels.
Watching a pornmovie on a computer... it's pixels.
Watching a videogame character on a computer... it's pixels.

you need brainpower to recognise that fact
Did anyone ever find out if that naked Joanna Dark cheat ever worked on Perfect Dark? I mean that'd weird because the characters didn't even look lifelike in those days.

But nope, don't understand the point in nude skins now that it's SO easy to get porn on the net. Surely it takes more effort to search for, download then install the nude skins than it does to find a decent set of pictures or a nice video online?
you need brainpower to recognise that fact
Oh, you don't say? My point is that you'll never meet the porn star you're watching on your computer screen. And you'll never meet the videogame character you're watching on your computer screen.

The fact that one of them actually exists IRL is therefore irrelevant.
Porn may be easier to get, but I'm not aware of too many Alyx or Elexis lookalikes in the adult film industry. Nor am I aware of any other characters that allow one to pose them in... *ahem*... in such a "seductive" manner in Gmod at the will of the user.

Why do they feel the need? Because guys want to see boobs. Poontang as well. When first meeting an attractive female, the first thought isn't "I wonder if she has a good personality". It is, instinctively, "What's she like with that top off". Why shouldn't this apply to fictional characters as well?

It's an easy route for the unbeatable horndog nature. No harm, no foul. Nothing wrong, nothing wierd. I personally can't be assed with it, but I understand the appeal.
I am really not joking. I rarely have any erotic fantasy or imagination to female. When the first time I meet a girl, I pay most of the attention to her face, outlook. If the girl is beautiful, cute or charming, I will further explore her personality to see whether see is really as good and matched. If she is really that wonderful both inside and outside, I would imagine how I would get alone with her, rather than imagine having sex. I am just curious to know how Jessica Cannon would look like without clothes.
The problem is it is very hard to find a girl when no girl wishes to find you.
Lol I was right you are king henry!

Who makes these? :S
Because you want to see naked women.

This isn't exactly ****ing rocket science.

So you mean you'd rather take the time to download a mod, install it, then run a game just to see a sub standard version of the sort of thing that you get after typing a one word phrase in google?

Does. Not. Compute.
I don't see why anyones disgusted or shocked or anything. I mean with games like Lula 3D on the shelf, im hardly suprised theres nude skins for more or less any game with female characters in it. I mean I don't download those skins, but I don't care if some lonely kid wants to look at nekkid girls in a videogame.

Hell, means more real girls for me :)
So you mean you'd rather take the time to download a mod, install it, then run a game just to see a sub standard version of the sort of thing that you get after typing a one word phrase in google?

Does. Not. Compute.

You search for pron in google? I hope you enjoy popups/spam/adware/malware/viruses and all sorts of other nasty crap that will slowly destroy your OS.
You search for pron in google? I hope you enjoy popups/spam/adware/malware/viruses and all sorts of other nasty crap that will slowly destroy your OS.

No you fool, I was just saying it's a faster way :p. Plus, since when does Google Images send you viruses/popups/spam, if you dont click on anything? That's new to me.
uh, why would you bother with google if you don't click on anything? lol, and you call him a fool.
So you mean you'd rather take the time to download a mod, install it, then run a game just to see a sub standard version of the sort of thing that you get after typing a one word phrase in google?

Does. Not. Compute.

Last I checked, I don't know any Alyx lookalikes.

The only people confused by the idea behind nude skins are idiots. Let me break it down real easy-like.


Are you ready for this?


Brace yourselves.


No, seriously. This was a shocker to me too.












Ready yet?








It's quick, it's easy, it gets your rocks off, end of story. There's no rationale for considering it perverse, abnormal, strange, lame, or desparate. At least no moreso than "normal" pornography. We're not talking about hours of work going into this process. It is, at max, three minutes for people literate with computers.

I will collect my Nobel Prize now, thank you.