nutritional supplements replace food?


Jan 21, 2006
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I've argued this a million times with my grandfather and father.That we can replace food by taking only nutritional supplements(fiber powder,protein powder,multivitamins). What are your opinions?Do you think our digestive system would pretty much shut down because of its lack of necessity?
Nutritional supplements aren't substitutes for food.
But why cant they be? Iff you take all the neccesities(vitamins,minerals,lipids etc.)
Flavor, my friend. You wouldn't just add some crushed up broccoli to a can of coke, would you?
you need carbohydrates, fats, and protiens to get energy and to survive.
Teta_Bonita said:
you need carbohydrates, fats, and protiens to get energy and to survive.

But you can acquire all of those in pill or powder form
But as it's been pointed out, would you want to eat it? I'd rather have a steak with some wine rather than washing down a dry pill.
I suppose you could but I don't see why you'd want to. It's really quite risky considering it's easy to get the balance wrong.
Codcommando said:
But you can acquire all of those in pill or powder form
When you eat, you satisfy the mind too, eatting also helps takes off stress for some, and its proven that sweets like chocolate cheer people up.
How you feel severly affects your body, in different ways for different people.
The nutrients also probably lose some nutrution, we just can't tell if it does or doesn't.
The nutrients are also given in a nearly pure form, I imagine that in time, that will affect how the body breaks down foods, making most foods impossible to digest.
It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to survive long taking only supplements, even if you take supplements for every body requirement there is.

It just doesn't work that way.
It's probably a question of volume too. Like, our horribly complex food requirements require a certain amount of space, so we'd have to eat a shitload of pills, and that's never fun.

I don't care how good those Flinstone's chewable vitamins are, you'll be puking up Wilmas halfway through the bottle.
All that being said, I probably wouldn't mind munching on a bag of protein granules for a day, and swallowing a "few" pills,

but where do you think these supplements come from? They aren't just automatically synthesized in a lab like some Star Trek food court.

This "food" would be unbelievably expensive to and you still need to satisfy as someone said, the mind. That is where hunger is born.

Anyway if you think about it the kind of people that could afford to have a pill diet are out eating steak and king crab everyday and wouldn't settle for anything less satsfying.
Really, there are no advantages and if the world converted to this it would ultimately destroy the digestive tract and the human race would become dependant on technology in a way that cannot be undone and would one way or another likely lead to the demise of it's current form.
A health thread and no short recoil D:

Nutritional Supplements are there to supplement food, not to replace it.
If I was given the choce between a pill and spagetti bolanase(sp?) I'd go for the spagetti. Plus, you'd always be starving.
ríomhaire said:
If I was given the choce between a pill and spagetti bolanase(sp?) I'd go for the spagetti. Plus, you'd always be starving.

bolanase? What's that?

Do you mean bologni? That processed meat stuff kids love?
Raziaar said:
bolanase? What's that?

Do you mean bologni? That processed meat stuff kids love?
Minced beef and spagetti.
Spaghetti bolognaise - it's like a mince meat tamoto-y sauce with spaghetti. an ilatalian classic. we don't expect you culturless american heathens to understand. but everyone in england knows the greatness that is 'Spag-Bol'

what do you think space food and rations are?
rambler said:
what do you think space food and rations are?

Ration packs are designed to give you all the necessary supplements you need and also fill you up, they're not pills and protein shakes. if the armed forces could get by with giving the troops in the field pills, then it would be a lot easier then carting round ratpacks all day.
Codcommando said:
I've argued this a million times with my grandfather and father.That we can replace food by taking only nutritional supplements(fiber powder,protein powder,multivitamins). What are your opinions?Do you think our digestive system would pretty much shut down because of its lack of necessity?
Apparently there were those food tablets or something, back in the 70's-80's. They cancelled the project because partly of the 'Live to Eat' reason.

But now, its usefulness may lie in space, where astronauts now have the proper rations. Think a box full of this stuff that could last at least two months.
rambler said:
Spaghetti bolognaise - it's like a mince meat tamoto-y sauce with spaghetti. an ilatalian classic. we don't expect you culturless american heathens to understand. but everyone in england knows the greatness that is 'Spag-Bol'

what do you think space food and rations are?
Hard to spell, hard to get it to stay on the damn fork, but damn is it nice.
Eating is mental stimulation to a certain extent, as well as neccessary for survival.

If you could be sustained on pills, tablets etc. then you'd probably wind up a nervous wreck,insomniac or horribly depressed.