
:| Whoa whoa whoa, how can you already tell it sucks and ruining franchise :thumbs: ? Actually it actually looks good to me.
ailevation said:
:| Whoa whoa whoa, how can you already tell it sucks and ruining franchise :thumbs: ? Actually it actually looks good to me.

show me a screenie that minimally shows the graphic quality of a game nowadays.
i do'nt know which game you are refering............but

starship troopers looks like it will be an OK game............... :cool:
Sprafa said:
show me a screenie that minimally shows the graphic quality of a game nowadays.

Are you blind? Take a look for yourself with the link you posted, the graphics look like their exceeding most games that are released now, not FarCry. Also, how does graphics determine if the game is going to suck major balls or not? Take a look at Half Life, thank you.
Just another one of those all graphics (they arent even that great compared to the games that are going to be comeing out soon) and no gameplay games.
Well, this is a nice surprise. I think Starship Troopers is great fodder for an FPS, and judging by the screens, it looks like it may have a chance to actually be worthwhile. Oh, and FYI, the franchise was already ruined by Starship Troopers 2.. :|
Starship Troopers isn't a franchise that has a long way to go to get ruined. It's cheesy, corny, and stupid. That being said the game looks decent.
Looks like a rip-off of Amorines:project S.W.A.R.M.
And that wasn't a great game to begin with!
To much companies watering down movie names by making crappy video game tie-ins.
And they're barely related to the movie!
By the looks of it they had to lower the graphics quality to be able to get away with so much on screen at once. Which ST would need for a game otherwise it would end up pretty poor. I bet it'll end up being a good laugh to play, plenty of bugs to kill, i 'ate bugs i do.
Fenric said:
By the looks of it they had to lower the graphics quality to be able to get away with so much on screen at once. Which ST would need for a game otherwise it would end up pretty poor. I bet it'll end up being a good laugh to play, plenty of bugs to kill, i 'ate bugs i do.

I guess that makes sense.... but why no avatar today Fenric? Bad hair day?
Looks cool but nothing near the level of HL2..................

I am 100% sure there will be a thread called STARSHIPTROOPERS VS HALFLIFE2 :LOL: soon
It looks ok for the number of Aliens it'll have to render.Wonder if the Alien AI will be up to scratch?(I realise they are unintelligen relentless killing machines but will they keep fighting up until their limbs have been shot off?)
Oh and will they have those flying ones which decapitate people?
theres lots of low-res textures in those shots but it looks pretty good over all
It actually looks pretty good. Only really bad thing is the gun textures, everything else though looks very good. The bugs look very detailed, I cant wait to see some videos of this.
The game looks pretty good. Too bad they dont have the "Anti-Cliff" Rocket Launcher from the end of the first movie :(
I'm only buying this if they have a Survival multiplayer mode where you hold a fort against swarms of enemies :)

/me is planning on making a similar TC for HL2 and ut2k4