NVIDIA 52.16 WHQL....Official release


Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
On www.nvidia.com, meaning these are fully supported NVIDIA drivers.

They have renamed the name of their driver series from "Detonator" to "Forceware".

Here's the specs:

Windows XP/2000

Version: 52.16
Release Date: October 23, 2003
WHQL Certified

File Size:_ 8.7 MB

Release Highlights:
>Enhanced image quality for both anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing
>New nView 3.0 Multi-Display Setup Wizard—to easily configure your multi-display settings
>nView Grid lines— to section off the display to help organize your various Windows
>Customized user profiles—to save display settings and image quality settings on a per application/game basis
>A new user friendly interface
>Microsoft® DirectX® and OpenGL® support
>Support for GeForce 5700, GeForce FX 5700 Ultra, and GeForce FX 5950

Go to http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_52.16 to download them.

I'm not sure how good they are: I'l download them but I won't see much difference on my GeForce4 Mx440. If I do, then I will be shocked.

By the way, a couple of basic rules for this thread:

lower my 3dmark03 score with a ti4600..
increased my fx5200 card in other computer, its still only a score of 864, but yeah...
Much better performance here and no IQ reduction.
But 2 queries:

"New nView 3.0 Multi-Display Setup Wizard—to easily configure your multi-display settings"
My arse it's easier, the old 1 was miles easier and less confusing to configure.

"A new user friendly interface"
Um, for what? I see no different UI.
These increased my performce by a lot, I can play BF with maxed out settings and 2x aa. Only problem is (this is a pretty big problem) the ground will disappear and I will be able to see through objects. Some textures are also missing and some are just blobs. Hope they fix it soon or I will be pissed, I can't fly or drive fast as it appears more often and becomes unplayable.
I just tried out Halo trial and the Call of Duty dawnville demo. Halo ran A LOT smoother and cod ran with about 10-15 more fps. Im impressed.
Ok, I have looked all over and can't find anything. Anyone know what could be causing this (see attached). Happens from time to time around certain areas in a map. I was playing with someone else earlier and he had the same problem, the errors appeared at the same time and place as mine did. I have a GeForce 4 ti 4200, 2.4 GHz P4, SB Audigy 2, DirectX 9a.

Originally posted by KaoS87
lemme go try battle field and see if i encounter this.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Be sure to post your system specs as I was playing with a guy that had the same problem on an older card, maybe it's only for the older line of cards and not the new ones.
Ya i have the same problem.

My specs: Pentium 4: 2ghz
512 ddr
eVGA geforce fx 5900
so, if u want to play battlefield, drivers no good!!
but if u want to play unreal2k3/unreal2 based game engine on a gf4ti series, it increases fps, i love it. no longer drop below 30 on u2xmp.
- looks like we got equal good/bad results from drivers....
just fyi ^.^
like sometimes, certin image settings, aa/af settings will cause game to fail
I'm downloading the official '52.16 Force Wares' for my GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/AGP8x.

I'll test 'em in Max Payne 2, and tell ya' the differences sometime tonight or tomorrow afternoon when I'm home from school.
Originally posted by No Limit
Ok, I have looked all over and can't find anything. Anyone know what could be causing this (see attached). Happens from time to time around certain areas in a map. I was playing with someone else earlier and he had the same problem, the errors appeared at the same time and place as mine did. I have a GeForce 4 ti 4200, 2.4 GHz P4, SB Audigy 2, DirectX 9a.


I'm having the same problem... except my computer went on to crash EXTREMELY hard after the funniness went away then came back.

I'm using 2xAA and 2x AF, image setting on Performance.
Hmm... maybe it has something to do with aa as I have it set at 2x also. Anyone else that has problems has aa on? If you do please post the level you have it on. I really want to get this working as these drivers did wonders for my FPS.
Get DX9b.
I believe it is available through Windows Update.
Think that would help?
Ill test mine out.
I was testing out my 4200 with AA/AF on like you did and the same thing happened. Fun stuff.
I tried different settings in control panel (high performance/quality etc) and ingame video settings and nothing changed.
I then went to normal no AA/AF and I got it to happen again.
Guess they will have to fix that!
Hmm, must be the AA/AF then. Good job figurin' that one out Asus :)
lol I said it happened with no AA/AF aswell.
They have to fix how it handles textures or something in BF42.
The BF1942 issue is listed in the release notes
GeForceFX5950 Ultra and GeForceTI4400, Windows XP: Rendering corruption in Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat.
This fix will be included in the next NVIDIA.com drivers release.

I haven't tried a lot on the new drivers yet. RTCW looks and plays about the same as before.
AquaMark3 gave almost exactly the same score. On the good side, the lighting issues seemed fixed. The explosions lit up the surrounding surface much more. On the 44.23 drivers, this effect was hardly visible at all.
Originally posted by Arno
The BF1942 issue is listed in the release notes

Gawd, I wish I had seen that in the release notes, I wouldn't have downloaded it...

Stupid page caching ISP :dozey:...

Counting this, nVidia is really going downhill. Releasing a driver that shouldn't have even been considered for release, leaving a game in the 'unplayable' basket?
Originally posted by Chode
Release Highlights:
>Enhanced image quality for both anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing
Can anyone confirm that? I find it very hard to beleive somehow... Especially since an increase logically would bring a decrease in performance, and everything we have seen prove its the worst AF IQ ever in an Nvidia driver.
I have read some reviews of the new cards, but most are to weak... Tomshardware instantly claim ATI is rendering 'wrong' compared to the 52.16 that renders 'right' in Aquamark3 after some comparisons. But of course, no DX9 reference image. He just think its ATI is wrong and Nvidia is right.
So I'm still very unsure about this release, the claims and what one see is very different...
Tomshardware didn't really comment on the rendering issues in AquaMark3. They merely quoted the people at that NVidia conference and confirmed that there was a difference in output.

Tomshardware assumed this was either an ATI bug or optimization. So it's true that they forgot the third possibility: the NVidia drivers are rendering too much.
Originally posted by Arno
Tomshardware didn't really comment on the rendering issues in AquaMark3. They merely quoted the people at that NVidia conference and confirmed that there was a difference in output.

Tomshardware assumed this was either an ATI bug or optimization. So it's true that they forgot the third possibility: the NVidia drivers are rendering too much.
Actually, from the looks of it, it seems Nvidia are rendering with lower precision (hence the washed out look on the images). Odd huh? ;)
Staring at them with 300% magnification a while shows the colors to be stronger in the ATI pic, and more varied. In explosion image, the areas which are a mix of red and grey on the FX are clearly more yellow on the XT. In the fog image, there is very little variation on the FX, wheras on XT you can see much greater grey variations. Subtle, but the difference is there :)
Still its personal opinion, from all camps... I would very much like to see that DX9 rasterizer for the pics.
The washed out effect on the Nvidia might occur because it's rendering more transparent layers on top of each other, which causes more blending. Although I have to admit that's just my guess and I might be way off. A DX9 reference image would definitly help the discussion.
Man time to ditch 98se! I dont know about installing these drivers though gonna wait a bit maybe if they make my Max payne 2 better...
Re: Re: NVIDIA 52.16 WHQL....Official release

Originally posted by dawdler
Can anyone confirm that? I find it very hard to beleive somehow... Especially since an increase logically would bring a decrease in performance, and everything we have seen prove its the worst AF IQ ever in an Nvidia driver.

I did see a small difference but I can't say much about it as I didn't take a screenshot before I installed the drivers. Usually the textures would be a little blurry with AA on, this seems to be fixed and all the textures look sharper. However, I can't beleive that they wouldn't fix something as big as textures not showing in BF, DC is the 3rd most played online game out and is now unplayable with this patch.
Just for the record, I got new drivers and have no trouble in Battlefield. Specs in sig.

I like these drivers. I don't even bother with any of the 3dmark tests, i'm more interested in actual in game experience, and so far from playing ut2k3, battlefield, and others I'm impressed with these drivers.