Nvidia 7800 GT People's Settings?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Klawz
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I was just wondering, Im not too familar with how to set things to "ideal" under the nvidia display program. I am already overclocking at the moment. But I want to set up all the advanced settings. So I wanted to get an idea of what people had for their settings with this gfx card?
Why would you overclock a 7800? First of all it's like the best graphics card. Second of all it's $500.
So he can get 127FPS in DoD: Source instead of 124. :P

With a card like that you shouldn't be getting slowdown that would merit overclocking.

Is my 7800GT not working up to what it should be? I know I'm supposed to be getting more is CS:S because I get 80-100, with dips into the 60's. I know your eye can't detect more than 60 but I want to run FRAPS in the background. BF2 seems fine with 70-80FPS everything maxed out.
No, I really have no idea of how it performs. I was just making those numbers up. :P

Fraps really kills your FPS, so unless you're willing to play without it(and I don't know why you wouldn't) then you should learn to live with it.
Qonfused said:

Is my 7800GT not working up to what it should be? I know I'm supposed to be getting more is CS:S because I get 80-100, with dips into the 60's. I know your eye can't detect more than 60 but I want to run FRAPS in the background. BF2 seems fine with 70-80FPS everything maxed out.

im guessing your using fraps for video but just to see fps and take screenshots dont use it
Well overclocking is just a benefit having this card. But games like fear, push the card a bit. So overclocking is nice to have.

But anyone here with the 7800 that has really good settings?
Klawz said:
Well overclocking is just a benefit having this card. But games like fear, push the card a bit. So overclocking is nice to have.

But anyone here with the 7800 that has really good settings?

yea i run most games with evertything maxed, so you should should be able to assuming your cpu is nice enough
No, no, that's not what I'm saying. I WOULD like to be able to play wtih FRAPS recording in the background. WITHOUT FRAPS recording, those are the framerates I'm getting.
I leave the settings in the display control panel on "application controlled" and have the game-specific profiles turn features on or off for me. In game, I turn everything on full blast - those are my settings. F.E.A.R, with everything turned on full blast will play smoothly, with dips into the 20s if things get gnarly. I take it down to 1024 x 728 for consistently high framerates.

I just used FRAPS for the first time today - does it really drop your fps? All I want it to do is display the fps during the game. I haven't used the recording features yet. I think the dips you see in fps during recording aren't from the video card settings, your computer is trying to record the video and keep up with the game. How fast is your hard drive?
I have a 3200+ unfortunetly. But I will get a better one soon.
Klawz said:
I have a 3200+ unfortunetly. But I will get a better one soon.

unfortunetly?? that is a great cpu, i have the same one. If your considering a new one jsut overclock the one you got right now
Adabiviak, it only slows it down during recording.
Yes, it's common sense, well mostly ;), like adabiviak said, your pc is trying to do 2 things at once, 2 very strenous things, recording LIVE gameplay while processing LIVE gameplay, simply put, what the hell else needs to be damn said?
bryanf445 said:
unfortunetly?? that is a great cpu, i have the same one. If your considering a new one jsut overclock the one you got right now

QFT, it'll be the newer 939 as well, so you should be able to push it up to around 2.4ghz with some decent cooling (around a 3800+ equivalent). I got 2.5ghz with my venice 3000+ :D
A friend of mine has his 3000+ at 2.7GHz on stock cooling :)
I had it overclocked to 2.2 for a while. But I really would like a fx-55 or at least the 4000+.